42. Troublemakers

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Later that night, near morning when the kids and her mother were in bed, Stevie and Lindsey decided to sit on the porch steps since it was a warm night and the time together would give them enough to catch up with each other.

"So, you're still seeing Ben?" he asked since she had never brought him up for any reason and she seemed quite content.

"Uh, yeah, but if I'm being perfectly honest we're not as close right now," she wrapped her arms around her knees as she looked up at the sky, the stars in clear view.

"Well, you can tell me all about it if you'd like," he offered, looking up at the portion of stars she was looking at as well since they seemed clumped together.

"Sure, it's not anything important. But we got signed to a project together by our bosses and in being signed within that, he caught a glimpse of how my boss behaves with me..." she lingered.

"Andrew, right?"

"Yep, the very same. He just got a little jealous and I tried to calm him down, but he wasn't happy that I didn't want to report him," she assured.

"Did he do something to you?" he creased his brow immediately since he wanted to know if somebody was being inappropriate with his wife.

"Not really," she shrugged. "Maybe it's just me and I think it's harmless, but you tell me. Remember, I did tell you back in the day when he wanted to start an affair and the way he complimented me and you just laughed."

"Well, who really asks that? I mean, come on," he chuckled.

"I know, anyway, I told you he and I never had an issue with each other, he still has his little crush on me and I just use that to my advantage. But besides that, all he did was wrap his arm around my waist, touch my hand and basically he waited on me. And this passed Thursday, we had a group dinner meeting, so we could strategize a plan and all that jazz," she waved it off. "So, in that group dinner, I've never seen Ben so uptight. I mean, I knew he was jealous, but I wasn't worried. It's not like you could join me at those dinners and I'm sure if given the chance, you'd be jealous too. But he got really upset and the next day, I did try to explain the fact that Andrew has always had a crush on me since I started working there and how it doesn't bother me because it's not like he's violated me in any way. Quite frankly, I thought it was pretty polite of him to ask me to have an affair, back in the day---you know he didn't just force himself on me or do anything weird."

Finding that funny, still to this day, he did let off a laugh. "Well, I agree. If he hasn't done anything to you that makes you feel uncomfortable, that is different. So, he's not talking to you for that?"

"We're talking only because we do have to work together, but I think he'd rather not," she shrugged.

"If I were in his position, watching your boss handle you in that way I'd probably flip out too even if it was harmless."

She nodded; always keeping in mind the real difference between men and women and their perception of things because despite the male and female species being equal, she knew they were different and that they weren't truly equal, so she often took into consideration that her actions spoke louder than her words by allowing her boss to touch her in such ways without a bother. "So, back to you..." she nudged the side of his knee. "What's going on in the world of sobriety?"

"Hey, y'know, it's pretty good," he assured. "I know my health is now in check and all that, but I do have a good time on stage still. I'm more rational and I'm pretty calm when it comes to conflict. I don't really know what to say, but it's alright."

"You're not gonna become one of those righteous zealots, yelling at me to stop drinking, right?"

Laughing, "No intentions of doing so," he shook his head. "This is my choice and I do feel better. I have more energy and I am in control, so those are some perks."

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