14. Dealing with It

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Lindsey got home later with the kids that night---already having had dinner, they just went to their bedrooms and he roamed the first floor, just looking to drink some water.

In his time, he learned the craving of salt or sugar entailed that he was dehydrated so he did his best to keep water in his system to balance out the amount of sugar he knew he could consume.

After downing a glass of water, he went towards the sink to put the glass in when he noticed two mugs in the sink with two spoons. He huffed to himself silently, just wondering why she'd have somebody over at a time like the current. But he knew he couldn't exactly be angry only because he heard his wife admit that she wasn't hiding anything from him, so maybe he could ask. He had many questions as of now.


Getting to the hospital, the last day for the kids to show up considering they had school on Monday, Lindsey came into Barbara's room with coffee.

"Thanks," Stevie got up. "I'll be back," she ensured as she slung her purse over. She went over and she kissed her mother, "I'll be right back," she swiped her hair back.

"I know," the woman replied in her sleep.

Laughing low, she shook her head. "Doctor said continue with ice chips---she can sip the water, but she can't have a lot. He said it could cause heart palpitations since she hasn't had any for the last couple days."

"Okay, sounds good. What about food?"

"Nurse is gonna come in in a bit with something light. So, if you guys get hungry, eat downstairs please," she addressed.

"Okay," they said in unison.

"I'll be back," she repeated and slipped passed her spouse.

She seemed to be in a haste... So much for not hiding her dating life from me, he thought. How can she do this at a time like this? Is she that stressed out? I guess she can be. If she's not been with anybody for four years---she might need it, he arched a brow to himself. I haven't been with anybody for well over a year and it feels weird, but I wish I could be the one to be with her now. I'd like to alleviate that stress for her in a way somebody else might be---she's clearly enjoying it if that's what she's doing.

"Lindsey?" Barbara asked of him in her sleep, trying to be alert for him.

Getting up to get closer, "Yeah?"

"Is Tee alright?" she mumbled. "She seems off balance."

"I'm sure she's going through a lot right now," he enquired, not really sure of what was happening back at the house and he wondered if she was sleeping with somebody while she was gone. "You gave a scare, Barbara, and she was only worried about you. She doesn't want anything to happen to you."

She nodded a little.

"Just get some rest so that when she comes back, you guys can chat," he patted her hand.

She nodded once more and she shut her eyes.


Stevie came back in shorter amount of time than the last simply because Ben didn't stop by and she didn't have to pick food up for her kids. When she arrived, her hair was still damp instead of dry.

Lindsey looked at her and he kind of pursed his lips. He stood up, "Your mom wanted to talk to you---I'll give you a minute."

She creased a brow and went to set her purse on the chair near the bed. Coming closer to see what she needed, "Hey," she set her hand over her mother's.

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