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INSIDE the dorm of two teenagers, both of them laid on their respective beds doing their own thing, not really talking to each other. one was busy playing his battle ground games while the other was on her phone fangirling over 2D characters.
after a stressful school day, nothing beats the feeling of doing your own favorite thing to unwind from the day.
which was exactly what the two were doing at that moment.




"she's so pretty..." I muttered to myself, admiring the beautifully detailed drawings of True Beauty. it was those kind of comics that made me realize how much I actually suck at drawing. turns out I wasn't as good as I thought I was. also reminds me about how much I suck at digital art. curse technology. bringing me so much happiness and pain.

"Stop staring, it's just a drawing"  haechan groaned. I wasn't looking at him but I could tell he was rolling his eyes along with the sentence. what's new when your roommate is a loner who has fangirling over drawings as their only personality.

"the drawing is good and it's prettier than me" I said with an obvious "duh" tone in my voice. he barely looked up from his phone, not like he needed to. his fingers were rapidly tapping against his phone, sounds of gunshots emitting from it. he was playing battleground.

"you've been fangirling over that webtoon ever since you found it. Just go out and find a real boy to fangirl over. "
he had a little smirk as he spoke. almost like he was amused.

"you make it sound like dating is so easy"

the thought about dating made me remember all the stupid crushes I had when I was younger. all of them being unrequited love. I never fail to forget, no matter how many cans of milk I can drink. they never seem to fade. it was all permanently embedded into my memory. a story to tell my children in the future before I met their father.

"Come one ryu, let's go to bed, we have classes in the morning" Haechan stopped his game (which he already finished) and got up to the light switch, ready to turn it off.

"You sleep first let me finish this chapter"

Haechan scoffed. "You're gonna end up reading 3 more chapters"

He knows me too well apparently., because that was exactly what I was gonna do.

I thought about it for a moment. I guess I should save my stories for tomorrow.
school has a lot of drama, and with the people I hang with, each conversation would be about the unnecessary drama that happens everyday in the school grounds. it's not like I'm asking for all the drama to happen. it just happens. the drama that happens is stupid but at the same time, it's oddly entertaining especially since I'm thankfully not involved in any. it's like a personal tv series with cliche couples and jealousy filling the air.

"By the way... " Haechan began. "Do you wanna go back to our elemantary school for the carnival on Saturday? It happens once every four years. wouldn't wanna miss it right? "  he ended his sentence by wiggling his eyebrows a little.

I forgot about that even though I received a letter about it. that letter was tossed in the corner after I read it. explains why I even forgot about it. as they say, out of sight, out of mind.

"Hmm.. Maybe"

Haechan pouted.
"Come onnnn ryujin. It's not everyday we can go back to our old school. Plus high school has too much drama I miss the kiddo days" He whined, wiping a fake tear.
I looked at him, digusted.

"Fine I'll go"
His face lit up as he hugged me suddenly. I tried pushing him off, but he hugged me even tighter. any more and he'd probably cut off my oxygen supply.

"You're the best"

"I know"
He released from the hug and gave me a judging face. I laughed and stuck out my tongue at him. he smiled sarcastically and rolled his eyes, he said "ha ha very funny. I see you're a little delusional"

"am no-"

he flopped onto the bed. "turn off the lights" his hand floppily swaying and pointing at the light switch.

"why didn't you turn it off when you were standing there??? " I protested. he shrugged. "you distracted me and I got lazy"

"you were the one who suddenly came up to hug me"

he lifted his head of the bed to look at me. "hey" he said. "just turn off the lights like a good child"

that was a weird way to phrase the sentence.

in the end, I gave in and switched off the llight. walking back to my bed, I leaned down to give him a loving smack. he yelped and threw a pillow at me, whining. I caught the pillow in my hand. he groaned and laid back against the pillow behind his head, ignoring me and going to sleep. I jumped onto my bed and snuggled into my warm sheets, hugging onto the stolen pillow. The room was cold and the sky outside was dark. Little stars were shining outside. I looked at the world outside for a while from the comfort of my bed. there was nothing much to see. just darkness and the very small stars that painted the sky. if I stared too long I'd probably imagine some demon lurking out my window.

a sudden wave of thoughts crashed into my head and I thought,

Will I ever find love like in the stories? or just in general?

I couldn't help but think.

I've been feeling hopeless for a while. hoping every old crush secretly likes me back, imagining a bunch of scenarios of myself dating someone. wondering if one day I'll meet someone that matches those from webtoons or fanfics. the perfect guy, one would say.

I shouldn't be dumb. No one in real life is like that.

I'm being pathetic. just close your eyes and sleep, forget about it.

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