Chapter 88 - Prologue of the New Tale

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In a dim room, a young man was kneeling with his eyes closed toward a statue as if he was kneeling toward the lord he was serving. Nobody knew when he started to do it or when he would stop. The man wore the attire of a wanderer with a tattered robe covering most of his features. He carried no weapons or combat equipment. All he had was a pocket watch with a faint gold color.

'The time has come. The chaos has spread throughout the world. The fallen god soon would be shaken from her eternal slumber. The lives would be plundered mercilessly by darkness while the destruction and oblivion will soar in the sky to stop it.'

A voice of a maiden echoed. The man opened his eyes. He stood up and bowed toward the statue before heading to the exit without saying anything.

'May the fate guide you to correct this false world, O child of Time.'

The voice echoed again. 


People got restless in the village in the middle of an isolated island. The leader of that place was blessed with the ability to see the future in the form of a prophecy. So far, none of her prophecies had missed so the people would believe everything she had prophecied. And today, she had gathered every villager to hear her prophecy.

"Thank you for coming, everyone."

The old village chief said. She supported her old body with her walking stick and looked at the face of her people. She then looked at the sky.

"Is something wrong, Baba-sama?"

The representative of the adult group asked.

The village chief who was called Baba-sama returned her face to look at the people again.

"Soon, you will see a miracle of Gods. As you know, our land had been isolated from the outside world. Neither outsiders nor us could pass through the West Blue Ocean which has been ruled by the Ocean Beast Nataka. However, soon, that beast will perish. A sacred being will pass through our land and kill that wicked beast."

Baba said. The people became noisy after hearing the prophecy. They couldn't believe that there would be able to kill the monster that had caused them a long period of suffering and isolation. But, not long after that, a loud explosion could be heard from the sea. 

The villagers tensed up. They couldn't react at all. And even though she had received the oracle beforehand, Baba couldn't prevent her shock. At some distance from the island, a gigantic dragon that has the size of a hill was flying away while carrying the freshly-killed sea monster in the shape of a 10 meters long squid.


The adult representative called for her.

"What is it, Nuada?"

She replied.

"Your prophecy came way too fast."

The adult representative, Nuada, said.

"I also didn't expect it will come this fast. Our Storm Deity, Faraday-sama, said that he would come soon and lifted the curse of the ocean that had imprisoned us for centuries."

Baba said.

"So, what should we do now?"

Nuada asked.

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