Chapter 109 - Summoning Ceremony (III)

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"Greeting the lord. Pardon for my unsightly appearance."

The fourth person stepped forward. He tried so hard to walk with the support of a pair of wooden crutches. From his tone, he was a fine man. He was a Tiger Beastkin. It was visible from his tiger ears, large stature and the stripes on the fur covering his arms and face. The only problem on his body was the bloodied bandage covering his side, left eye and the absence of his left leg.

Normally, if you played a game and got a subordinate with such a state from a gacha, you would probably think that it was a big loss and ask the administrator for a refund. But, this is not a game. Also, as a human being, I couldn't help but feels sorry about him.

"What happened to you, brother? How come you got such wounds?"

I asked worriedly. 

"Well, this is a normal thing you know. If your hometown is wrapped in a war, you need to prepare yourself to be killed or losing some limbs in the process."

He said.

"But, this is just too much. Ah, I think I have something in my inventory."

I said. I searched in my inventory for a miracle drug I had stored. It was a blood potion I crafted using my own blood. I took out the vial filled with a black liquid inside. Yes, it wasn't red-colored despite using blood as an ingredient. 

"Brother, would you believe in me and drink this?"

I asked him. He looked at the vial and looked at me.

"Is this a poison?"

He asked.

"In a sense maybe you can say it is. After all, I have yet to know the side effect it would have on other races. But, I will guarantee that you wouldn't die."

I said.

"I see... In that case, let me take the honor to be the first one to taste the miracle of this elixir."

He said accepting the vial. He took off the cork and poured the black liquid into his throat.


He growled. He let go of the crutches in his hands. Starting from his stomach, the black-colored layer began to cover his body. It changed shape from the shape of an egg. The black-colored egg then grew a tiger strips on the surface.


A loud roar could be heard from the egg. It expanded for several seconds before shrinking as it changed shape into an adult-sized tiger beastkin. After taking the form of an adult tiger beastkin completely, the black layer cracked and disappeared. And from within, a tiger beastkin with black fur and white stripes appeared. It kept the muscular form of the former shape and it probably had more mass in the muscle. 

The tiger beastkin looked rather menacing. It had a solid body covered in black and white fur. On the back of both palms, there was a gem like a yin-yang mark. At a glance, he was like the inverse form of a white tiger. And when he opened his eyes, a distinct change could be seen. His previously injured eye now had become a magic eye with a unique pattern in the shape of a tiger.

"How is your new body, young Tiger?"

I asked him. He looked at his body. He tried to stretch his body to test whether any disturbance or anomaly. 

"This is beyond my expectation My Lord. I feel much stronger than before. It was like I was being reborn after the long span of suffering. This warrior thanks the Lord for his generosity. Please let me pledge my loyalty to you."

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