Chapter 119 - Undead's Battlefield

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Zombies, Skeletons, ghouls, and many other kinds of undead being marched toward the land protected by the world tree. None among them possessed decent intelligence to be able to think about how to march as a group. They were just simpleminded beings who obeyed their creator's will to march forward and eradicate all living being hiding inside the Sanctuary.

Being a creature with a decayed body covered in the aura of the netherworld, the swamp they area they passed through slowly being corrupted. The muddy water got polluted and the muddy smell of the swamp turned into a smell of rotten meat.

The march of the undead was slow but they looked endless. Just seeing them from afar would make people think that it looked like a swarm of ants crawling toward the mountain of sugar. It was as if the apocalypse scene from the SF movies had visited the Fantasy world. 

Countless wails coming from thousands of rotten jaws accompanied the march of the dead. They were so eerie that might cause damage to the sanity of the weak. 

"They have come."

A figure muttered when he stood bravely. Brandishing a large sword as if it was a one-handed longsword, he faced the swarm without any fear in his heart. His pure black armor, emitted miasma which attracted the enmity of his enemies.

"You're getting into this aren't you, Captain Jehard? Your miasma is leaking from the gap of your helmet there."

A feminine voice came from an armored being behind him.

"Heh, of course, I am. I am a Hell General. There's no better place for me other than a battlefield."

Jehard said. He laughed as he brandished his sword toward the approaching army.

"Well, that might be true. After all, you're more or less too useless elsewhere."

Lucy said. She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. Hearing her sarcastic words Jehard flinched. He looked sideways to look at the subordinate of his.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?!! Are you mocking me?!!"

Jehard asked angrily.

"I didn't mock anybody. I just stated a fact. A fact."

Lucy said with a teasing tone. She even emphasized the last part of her sentence.

"Alright, you have made me mad. If you're picking a fight with me, I don't mind fighting you before finishing those armies of the undead."

Jehard shouted angrily. He pointed the blade of his sword toward his disrespectful subordinate.

"No way, you're angry? To be provoked so easily, it seems like the rumor was true."

Lucy said covering the mouth part of her helmet. She giggled looking at the thick miasma fog leaked out of Jehard's helmet which indicated how pissed off he was.

"Rumor? What are you talking about?"

Jehard faltered hearing Lucy's statement about his rumor

"Don't tell me you don't know?"

Lucy looked surprised at Jehard's reaction. 

"Huh? What kind of rumor are you talking about?"

Jehard asked.

"That is- Ah, the enemy is here."

Lucy stopped mid-sentence as she saw three large figures of Orcs stood menacingly behind Jehard. They had their weapon raised and aimed at Jehard's unprotected back.

"F*ck off!! I'm having a serious discussion here?!!"

With an angry shout, Jehard sent a large slash toward the enemies behind him. With a loud sound produced by a high-speed movement, the slash created a strong sonic boom and decimated the orcs' body in instant, and created a rain of minced innard.

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