Chapter 93 - Creating a System Design and...

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After many times of unfruitful meetings because of 'several' disturbances, the decision was made. It was decided that I would use my demonic power to expand my legion and add them to it and also summoned new subordinates to increase our number.

From the camp quick survey, we had roughly around 400 people and all of them were classless. As for my party was consisting of 3 zodiac braves (Karina, Shade, Fianna), 2 Former Hero Party Members (My mother, Flint), High-Class Dragons (Nova, Lily, me), a maid (Anastasia), and two super girls (Rin, Shiina). There were Shiina's pets but I couldn't count them in as they moved as one with Shiina as her firepower.

I looked at the refugees. Among 400 of them, I could see that their age varied from 12 to 60s or 70s. It was quite a miracle to see those old bones to survive after hearing the detail of their journey from Flint. Perhaps they might have an innate talent somewhere.

I observed each of them carefully to detect their innate quality. I used my magic eyes to read their magical power and life force. I couldn't help but felt awe to see many humans with a high reading of life force. If they weren't eaten by a monster, got killed, or suffered a deadly sickness, I wouldn't surprised if any of them had an age comparable to an elf.

If you used the modern human of the earth as a standard, those people would have around 10 fold of life force compared to hers. I began making my plans as I regularly checked the supply, equipment, and units inside my inventory.

I left the camp and took out a pen and paper from inventory and began scribbling on it. I tried to think of a method to expand my legion while increasing its performance. I also need to keep the balance while covering any loopholes inside the system.

Previously, I used a single system by copying the Chinese Zodiac. The main problem is how to improve it. I could derive the name of random animal but the problem was the limit of the number I could put into the legion and the management of the rank hierarchy. 

In my deep thought, I suddenly got hugged from behind. I looked at the person hugging me and saw Alicia's face was buried into my shoulder.

"You're worrying things by yourself again, Ren-sama."

She reminded me. I smiled and showed her the note in my hand.

"I'm not thinking about it by myself. I'm just brainstorming an idea of expanding the legion. I will consult it with you and mother later."

I said.

"Then, Ren-sama, please let me see it."

She said as she looked at my note by peeking from my shoulder. She groaned as she looking intently at the diagram I had drawn while putting her chin on my shoulder.

"By the way, Ren-sama, what are this arrows?"

She pointed at the arrows pointing upward and downward at the edge of the diagram.

"Ah, I kind of want to implement a promotion and demotion system. But, I still couldn't find the pattern yet."

I explained.

"I see... But, why are you drawing circles over the notes below the diagram? Etto, I can see you circled the word of beast and forest but why the rest aren't being circled. Why is that, Ren-sama?"

She asked.

"I couldn't relate the term into the zodiac system you see... Beast and Forest are kind of have a thin relation with the zodiac as they had animal-shaped symbols. However, these terms are completely different. But, if I only used these terms, I'm afraid there won't be enough room for everyone later."

I said.

"Then, just make another diagram using the other terms. Won't that solve the problem?"

She suggested.

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