Chapter 121- War of Attrition (part 2)

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Kawakami Ichirou stood valiantly in front of the unit he was going to lead. I gazed at each of their faces and etched them inside his memories. He stabbed his unsheathed katana to the ground in front of him.

"Listen up, our enemies are already at our doorstep! All of us don't have any choice but to fight! If you don't feel confident about fighting, go home and hide under your bed like a coward!! If you feel that you're manly enough for the battlefield, you will have one choice, to fight!!"

Ichirou shouted. The youngsters gripped their weapons tight.

"This might be your first battle. But, on this battlefield, there will be only two outcomes. They are to live as a victor, or die as a dinner! In that case, you only have one option. To survive this and bring home a victory to our homeland!!"

None of the youngsters gave a reply to Ichirou. This was their first battle. Nobody knew how to answer his call to battle.

"Now answer me, what are you? A soldier or a dinner?!"


The youngster replied in unison.

"In that case, answer me. Are you ready to win?!!"

Ichirou shouted.


"Yes, what?"

"Sir, Yes Sir!!!

The youngsters, no, the soldiers replied. They were looking forward with determination. Ichirou nodded and turned around. He stood in front of his unit and looked at the distance. The loud explosions caused by the long-ranged units on the watchtowers were raising the dust in the air.

"Our target is the enemy's siege weaponry. Saber unit, Advance!!"


Ichirou led the quick-footed soldiers and advanced. The mixed foot soldier armed with swords and light weaponry ran through the forest trail toward the enemy's siege weaponry. It took them some time to reach their destination but as the guerilla warfare specialized unit, their group easily bypassed the mountain trail and reached their destination without difficulty.


One of the orcs guarding the siege weapon saw Ichirou's group. It roared and warned its comrades about the ambush.

"For Victory!!"

Ichirou shouted while drawing his katana. He rushed forward just like a fearless general. His eyes turned bloodshot. His figure blurred for a second and arrived in the orc's formation. He swung his sword horizontally at the surprised orc. Before the orc could react, Ichirou's figure already blurred again and appeared in the range of another orc.


The shocked orc didn't realize that he was already killed until his sight became distorted or turned upside down when its head or upper body separated from the main body.


The other soldier was at loss. They couldn't keep up with Ichirou's quick and brutal killing. Their gut feeling kept warning them that if they entered Ichirou's range by mistake, they would end up as another victim of his blade.

"Say, what should we do now?"

Another soldier asked. 

"Etto, since our captain went wild and decided to kill the living orcs in the vicinity, let's just do our job to dismantle the siege weapons."

The second in command said.

"I see... Let's do that for now."

The other soldiers nodded in agreement. They readied their weapons and began dismantling the unmanned siege weapons.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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