Chapter 113 - Discussion and Invitation

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The atmosphere became tense all sudden. Nobody dared to say anything at all after my question.


The Queen raised her hand timidly.

"Yes, Fairy Queen-dono?"

I said.

"Well, pardon for my rude inquiry but may I know the reason behind your current outfit? Honestly, we fairies are rather intimidated by it."

The Queen said. I looked at the other fairies and they nodded at a high pace.


I scratched my cheek while trying to find the right word for the question.

"Please relax, everyone. About my husband's appearance, there is no meaning of us going to use forceful means to gain a favorable agreement. It's a shame on my side that as a wife I had failed to notice my husband's bad habit in his fashion sense. Due to our lacking resources and the circumstances, we couldn't afford to prepare the proper attire for a formal discussion besides this one."

Alicia spoke in my stead. She bowed down while looking apologetic. I kind of ashamed myself so I joined her bowing my head in an apology.

"I-Is that so? Then, there's nothing to worry about."

The Queen said to assure her allies.

"Before we start, may I ask if everyone here has the capability of literature?"

I asked.

"It's a shame to admit but besides me and the Lady of the Lake, nobody else from our camp can read the letters of the human tribe."

The Queen said.

"Is that so, then it can't be helped."

I said.

"Simply put, I have two main objectives in this continent. Both objectives involved both the fairy tribe or the human tribe."

I said while raising two fingers. I looked at the expression of the representative of the fairies. They showed various reactions from this point. But, they probably had a similar problem inside their mind, anxiety.

"Then, may we know what those objectives are?"

The Queen asked. She looked at me with a serious gaze.

"The first objective would be the elimination of the Gluttony Demon Lord and the reclamation of the Continent from his domination and if possible, I would like to free the captured humans or fairies they had captured in their settlements."

I explained.

"That is a noble objective you have there. But, how are you going to wipe out the countless goblins and that abomination called a Demon Lord? I heard the tale from the Queen about your feat in culling another demon lord by yourself but that was because you fought that thing in a one-on-one situation. However this time, it will be an all-out war. Can you assure us that you can grant us a victory? I don't want my people got dragged into the war they can't win."

The Insect Queen said.

"Diana is correct, we couldn't afford to have meaningless sacrifices here."

The Queen said.


I looked at the Insect Queen.

"Ah, now you mention it, We have yet to introduce ourselves, haven't we?"

I suddenly remembered.

"Ah, that's right! How embarrassing to forget how a proper leader should conduct here."

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