Chapter 102 - Heading to the Spirit Queen's Place (Failed)

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I spent most of my time walking around the area trying to find the location of the 'Queen' or those who know her location. But, wandering around aimlessly made me a bit awkward somehow. I felt like despite using something like a compass and a map, I would still get lost for some reason.

'Finally, I found you!!'

A voice of a little girl came from the thicket nearby. I looked at her direction and saw a small girl floating toward me. I said small girl instead of little because her size was literally little compared to normal humanoid being I had seen before. After all, she would be perfectly categorized in the fairy tribe called a pixie.

'Where the hell are you wandering around aimlessly? Didn't the Queen asked for your presence?'

The pixie scolded. Her small figure was levitating in front of my face. She put her left hand on her waist while pointing her finger at me. Her petite figure and blonde hair plus her green dress kind of reminding me of an old character from my previous world.

"Ah, sorry about that. I wasn't informed about the site of the audience. Therefore, I don't know where to go. And since I couldn't find anyone who knows the location, there's no other way but to search it."

I explained.

'Are~? Is that so? Sorry about that~. Secchan is pretty moody when I asked her to call you in my stead~'

She said cheerfully.

"So, in other words, it's your fault."

I said.

'Well~ kind of~ you see~ leaving the fairy domain is a pain~ so, I asked Secchan who can move to any place almost instantly.'

She said admitting her mistake. I was kind of dumbfounded at this girl's childish and easygoing behavior. 

'Well then, let's go~!!'

She nonchalantly flying toward me and sat on my shoulder. I was kindly dumbfounded by her action just now.

"Say, why are you sitting there?"

I asked.

'Flying around is a pain~ Usually, I asked a nearby bird to carry me but they are scared of your presence so I can't ask them.'

She said innocently. This little fairy had kind of shattering my image of a pixie which was supposed to be hyperactive and mischievous unlike this lazy and aloof fairy on my shoulder.

"Well, do as you please."

I bet asking any further wouldn't be fruitful. So, I decided to ignore it and let her do as she pleased. We walked further from the lake. She guided me toward the wood near the lake. Well, since fairy tribe was a race that lives in nature, it wasn't strange if their queen made her castle inside the forest. And from the thickness of the forest, I bet her place should be nearby and I can finish talking with the Queen before sunset.

Or so I thought.

It was naive of me to think we can arrive at the Queen's place soon when this pixie was my guide. This little girl was easy to get distracted. 

'Ah! There's a ripe berry over there!'

And like that she flew by herself to pick some berries on her own. There were even some times when I lost track of her during her wandering moments. 

"Oi, brat! Stop wandering on your own!!"

I scolded her. I was ignoring her wandering habits until now but as expected this habit of hers was getting on my nerve.

'It's not Brat!! I have a proper name given to me!! Didn't your parents told you to call others by their name?!'

She protested.

"Haa?! The hell, I can do that! Firstly, you never tell me your name. And secondly, you're too annoying to be called by name!"

I said angrily.

'Ah! I forgot to introduce myself again!'

She gasped when I pointed it out.

'Ehem! Well, then. Let me introduce myself. I'm called Lime. I might be a burden and have a habit of wandering off. Please take care of me.'

She flew in front of me and bowed as she acted as polite as possible. Also, even if she didn't have to mention the last part of her introduction, I have already known it. Also, she had ignored my second reason to not call her by name. I took a deep breath and sighed to quell my anger.

"Well, then. Lime, I'm Ren. It might be too late already but can we head straight to the Queen's place already? I'll give you some snacks later."

I said. Lime pondered for a while and looked at me from the head to toe.

'Sounds like a lie so I refuse!!'

She said. 

"You want to be paid in the front huh? Alright, I'll give you some now and I'll give later. How about that?"

I offered.

'Hmm? Fine then, gimme!!'

She said presenting her tiny hands. I sighed and picked some candies from my inventory and gave them to Lime. She looked dumbfounded seeing my inventory ability for few moments before indulging herself toward the sweet in her hands.

"So, where's the direction?"

I asked her. 

'Follow this road till you find a big tree after that turn left and you will find the entrance to the throne.'

She pointed forward. I checked the minimap to determine the location of the camp as a landmark of the direction we were heading. I advanced forward. Lime didn't pay any mind toward the direction we were going as she was eating her candy on my left shoulder.

After walking for almost an hour, while heading toward the same direction, we have yet arrived at the Big Tree landmark she had mentioned. There were times where I had to fight against some monster plants or magic beast aiming for our life. And the weirdest thing was we had encountered several goblins which were not supposed to be in the Fairy Queen's Faction.

And from there, I started to feel anxious. I glanced at Lime's face after I took care of the goblin corpses. Lime who had finished her treat was looking left and right as if to find something.

"What's wrong?"

I asked.

'This is weird~ We're supposed to arrive at the Queen's abode long ago but how come we haven't arrived?'

She asked.

"That's my question here!! Aren't you the guide here?!!"

I snapped.

'Eetto~ Did you by chance take a wrong turn back there? Like mistaking north for East?'

She asked.

"That's unlikely. I had used my ability to pinpoint the location of the base. That is why I'm sure that we had taken a route toward a single general direction."

I said.

'Is that so~ Umm... What has gone wrong here~?'

She mumbled. She titled her head to the side as she tried to figure out the cause.

'This is the first time I had failed to go to the Queen's abode. So far I had been able to visit the Queen normally.'

SHe said.

"Then, how did you get there in the first place? Did you use any usable landmark somewhere?

I inquired.

'Hmm~? How? THat's easy for me. I just have to call a bird acquaintance of mine and told her to carry me to the Quee- AH!! I just remembered that I never go there by myself!! So far, I just asked my bird friend to carry me to the queen so I almost have no memory of the path to the Queen!!'

SHe concluded.


I was shocked by hearing this fact.

'Iyaa~ I'm sorry for that~ tehe~'

She said jokingly. At that time, I finally snapped.

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