Chapter 112 - Prelude of Negotiation

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Days passed really fast after that. The members of the summoned group had started to blend in the camp. The plan to make the summoned group get close to the camp by making a rule of a tent exchange lottery on a weekly basis had shown a great result. At first, the humans were afraid of the demonkin and beastkin but with some proper communication, they had managed to understand each other. Well, there was an exception though.

I looked at the devil lying on the sofa lazily in my office. He was looking at the ceiling while humming a song I didn't recognize as if he didn't care much about the world. He was quite obedient for now but I couldn't careless around him. He was one of the sources of my troubles after all.

"Say, Invidia..."

I called for him. My eyes returned to the paperwork on my desk. 

"What is it, Milord?"

He said. I shivered when he called me politely.

"I want to ask you something but before that, can you stop using a polite language? It is kind of creepy to be called so politely by you. Furthermore, we are both demon lord, that kind of pleasantries might not suit our image at all."

I said.

"There's no way I can do that you fool!!"

He suddenly raised his body. He glared at me as if I had said something unreasonable.

"What's wrong with you truly?"

I asked.

"Ah, no, my apologies for my unsightly manner Milord."

He suddenly apologized. I felt another shiver on my spine. I unconsciously hugged my own body from the unpleasant sensation.

"Really, please don't use that polite language on me. It really creeps me out."

I said.

"But, you're technically my master. The contract during the summoning had bound my soul that I can't really disobey you to some extent."

He explained.

"Also, even you call me Demon Lord, I'm no longer one. When you killed me, your holy power had purified the demon lord curse on my physical and astral bodies. As a result, I lost most of my demon lord privileges and abilities. So, basically the current 'me' right now is just a poor imitation of the Demon Lord Invidia."

He explained.

"Is that so? Then it's good. Maybe you can be a decoy or something to lure Gula into a trap later."

I said.

"Oi, Oi, Oi, that's not good at all you know!! Are you trying to kill me?"

He protested.

"Well, honestly, I am. You're annoying after all. And this is not a joke, you're annoying after all."

I said honestly. I even added my whole smile when I said it right to his face.

"P-Please jo-joke about that even it is just a small bit. Also, you really hate my guts that much huh?"

He said a bit taken aback.

"Well, I didn't hate you personally. I'm just disgusted and loathe your very existence in the whole universe. If possible, can you evaporate right away without me doing anything?"

I said. He couldn't talk back. He was just having a cramped expression with his mouth showed a wry smile and gave out some dry laugh.

"You loathe me that much huh?"

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