Chapter 99 - Sermon

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"So, do you have anything more to say, Danna-sama?"

Alicia said with a rather cold tone. Right now, I was forced to stay in seiza inside my camp. It was some time after Shiina told her upon our return to the camp. Shiina urged me to go back to the camp right after she heard my identity as a reincarnator.

I tried to postpone this matter by negotiating with the Lady but it didn't last long enough. I was surprised that the Lady had some problem with the Gluttony Demon Lord residing in this continent. She told me that we were allowed to use her territory as a base of operation for defeating him. The negotiation went too smoothly as she already knew that both Shiina and I were heroes and I had a record of slaying a demon lord.

And thanks to that, we returned to the camp before night. Shiina asked Karina and Fianna to manage the refugees to pack their stuff as we planned to head to the Lady's territory in the next morning. She also volunteered to take care of the children so that Alicia could take her time talking with me or rather scolding me.

Back to the present, I looked downward avoiding eye contact with her. Unlike my identity as a demon lord, this identity was kept secret since my birth after all. Of course, even my mother didn't know it. It was already great that Shiina didn't tell my mother about this.

"Then, technically, you're much older than me right, Danna-sama?"

She inquired. I flinched. I could feel her stare. Her usual cold glare aside, this time she was really furious. I could feel the cold sweat flowing on my back. And this time, she was at the angriest level.

"That is... Yes."

I weakly admitted it. At that time I suddenly remembered an old acquaintance of mine in my previous life. He always got scolded by his wife in public very often for his habit of lying that he got nicknamed 'Seiza Master' and 'Dr. Dogeza'. They said if you wanted to be forgiven you must learn how to do a dogeza from him.

"Then, I bet you have a lot of knowledge from your past life right?"

She asked again. Her tone was rather weird but I was too scared to look at her.

"That is... Yes."

I weakly replied.

Well, I was more or less a member of society after all. It would be strange if I didn't have any proper knowledge about a thing or two. Moreover, I had a medical occupation. A lot of knowledge was needed in that department. But, in that world, there is no magic. The humanoid race was also just human. There were no beastkin, elf, or other races.

"Then, tell me about your age when you died."

She said.

"Tha-That is..."

I couldn't answer her. I looked at her. She was still glaring at me. In the end, I averted my eyes again and stayed silent.

"Danna-sama, if you stayed silent then I will have to take some drastic measures here."

She said.

I panicked and racked my brain about the solution over this situation.

"Then, I got no choice then. Prepare yourself alright?"

She said. She wasn't bluffing when she mentioned drastic measures.

"Wa-wait!! I got it, I got it!!  I will tell you."

I called her before she left. She stopped and looked at me.

"Then, say it. Don't tell me you are older than Kaa-sama at that time."

She said. I couldn't escape anymore.

"I can't say the exact number as my memory is rather hazy regarding my previous life. But, I think it was around my early twenties."

I said half lying. I remembered my age very clearly. However, it was the truth when I said that my memory was hazy. I mean, as a human being, there's no way I can remember every moment of my life.

"Early twenty, is it? I see... In that case, our age difference is around 30 years right?"

She said.


I replied hesitantly. Now you mention it, at this rate wouldn't I be categorized as a lolicon? I mean when I was engaged with her, she hadn't reached adulthood yet and technically I was already at my 30s mentally. Just remembering this fact made me feel a bit guilty somehow.

"Then, you are completely a full-fledged adult, right?"


"And you still acted quite childish at times around me, is that right?"


I sank deeper into my guilt.

"But, you still have wisdom and knowledge of an adult right?"


"And with that knowledge, you created a cure for my disease in the past... Right?"


"In that case... You must be very knowledgeable and smart in your past life..."


"Is that including in the arithmetic?"


"And the language?"


"Then... In that part too?"

"Yes... Huh?"

Somehow, I felt the last question is kind of weird. I raised my head and saw Alicia's delighted expression.

"Ufufufufu... It seems like I can look forward to what are you going to do to me..."

She said. Just like when we were about to be engaged, I answered the sequence of questions autonomously.

"Ara, this is bad. I need to start packing up our stuff. See you later, Danna-sama."

She said before leaving. I was about to call her back but no avail. She left so fast while in a good mood. I tried to stand up trying to follow her but then I realized, my legs had gone numb from sitting for too long. My fear and guilt had prevented me from feeling them earlier.

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