Chapter 97 - Encounter with the Unknown

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I flapped my wings in my dragon form. I didn't fully return to my original form. My current form had around a tenth of it. It was the size of an ordinary dragon and was suited for scouting or to have a leisure flight with someone.

I flew at a rather low altitude. On my back, I was carrying Shiina who had gotten better mood now. I brought her along to ensure that she was really feeling better. We flew southward, where my life detection range sensed the thinnest amount of goblin. 

"I didn't know that there's a place the goblins avoided. Could it be something existing there?"

Shiina said.

"It might be a natural sanctuary that monsters avoid or their natural predator's domain."

I replied telepathically.

"Is that so? I hope it was the former one."

Shiina said.

We kept flying southward and arrived in a large lake. There was no sign of malice in the area around the lake and the surrounding forest and grassland were filled with normal wild animal. But, somehow, unlike a natural sanctuary, I could sense that something was dwelling inside the lake.

I glanced at Shiina. It seems like she was too absorbed with the scenery that she didn't suspect anything about the lake. I flew a bit higher when we got closer to the water surface. Shiina didn't realize it as I expected. I kept flying while observing the water surface.

"O sinful one, never this one ever think that thou hath courage to come here."

A telepathic voice came from underwater. I gasped and reflexively flapped my wings in order to gain some distance from the water. Shiina got surprised by my action and screamed.

"Mou!! What was that for, Nii-sama!!"

She got angry with me. I glanced at her for a second before looking at the water surface again.

'Do thou not wish to speak? Or rather thy can't speak? It seems like thou art dumber than goblins.'

The voice mocked me. It kinda pissed me off. I wanted to retort back at the voice but I couldn't send direct telepathy at the source as I couldn't see it. 

'Shiina, can you help me for a bit?'

I said to Shiina with telepathy.

"What is it, Nii-sama?"

She asked.

'Just now there's a voice that tried to communicate with me with telepathy but I couldn't find the other person so I couldn't reply to her telepath message.'

I said half lying.

"OK, leave it to me."

Shiina said while winking at me. She looked at the surroundings and took a deep breath.

"Umm... I'm sorry for my brother's rudeness just now. He can't speak directly using voice in this form and he can't send telepathy too without seeing your body."

She shouted loudly.

"Is that really the case?"

The voice asked me. I nodded my head.

"Then, Human girl, tell me, what's thy purpose coming to this sacred land? Do thou wish to tarnish the throne of this mighty being?"

The voice asked.

"Ah, no! Not at all!! That's not our intention!!"

Shiina denied it hurriedly.

Dumbass, if you're panicking like that, you will look suspicious instead.

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