Chapter 94 - Legion Creation

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The next morning, I devoted myself to implement my design into the system. I warned the rest of the zodiac brave members about the plan of the upgrade in the legion system. I told them via legion chat system that they might not be able to use the system for a while.

After the confirmation from each member and receiving some reports at the same time, I began my modifications to the system.

In the beginning, the zodiac brave system was designed in a for of twelve symbols lined in a circular formation like a lineup for the Knight of the round table.

I disassembled the formation and made a template in the shape of a hierarchical system of an organization. The twelve spots of the zodiac brave was designed to have one spot for a Leader, two spots for sub-leaders, and one spot for general Officers.

I wrapped the formation with a magical template for the rule of the Zodiac brave management. I had also added the small version of the ranking system in order to decide the one who holds authority in the group.

As soon as I finished the design of the template, I stationed the symbols into the slots. The symbols glowed for a second and rearranged themselves.

From the system calculation, the acting leader position changed from the dragon (Karina) to a rat (Mark). The dragon symbol moved from the top spot to the sub-leader spot, standing side by side with the ox (Trull) and the general officer spot belonged to the monkey (Callisto). The rest of the symbols were arranged neatly below the four as regular members of the Braves.

After finishing the zodiac Braves, I added a new formation template. It was a small group of four with four symbols representing the four holy beasts. I arranged them as equal with none acted as a leader like the ones who would fill the spot would be acting as reserve members of the Zodiac Brave as well as a middleman between the Braves and the members of the next formation beneath them later. I gave the name of the four as Guardian Braves.

Underneath the Guardian, I created a large formation that was connected to each member of the Guardian Braves. The formation shape was simple as they were just looked like four large squares filled with animal symbols and plants.

Each square was connected to a Guardian by a line. I made this design to separate the symbols depending on their type with each Guardian Brave acted as their leader and representative.

I put aquatic animal and amphibian symbols and aquatic plant symbols under Genbu's, vines type plant symbols and reptile symbols under Seiryuu's, mammals symbols and trees symbols under Byakko's and finally the insect symbols, avian symbols, small plants and flowers under Suzaku's. I named the third group as Jungle Brave.

I added the promotion and demotion system into the three formations. I also wrapped the three formations with a magic rule of soul reading. It was a rule system that used my ability to read into someone's soul. I implemented this rule so that anyone who had committed a grave mistake, abuse of authority and acts to sabotage others would receive a significant penalty and will be instantly demoted and receive a level drop by 10 levels.

With this, the first organization was finished. I named this group as Forest of Gaia.

I moved the first diagram of Forest of Gaia aside. I used the menu to create yet another organization. Similar to the Forest of Gaia, I made the top of the organization into 12 spots. The concept I used for the members was the Western Zodiac. With Leo symbol as the temporary leader, I made the sub-leader positions taken by Sagittarius and Libra while general officers taken by Virgo. I named this group Horoscope Braves.

But, unlike Forest of Gaia, I didn't make this second organization into just two layers instead of three. On the second one, I made a space for the various constellation symbols which was led by the one constellation who will act as their representative as well as the reserve of the Horoscope Braves. I named this group Star Braves.

After, connecting the Star Guard and Horoscope, I implemented a similar rule system as Forest of Gaia. After finishing the whole template, I named this group as World of Galaxy.

I put aside World of Galaxy aside to create the largest group in my design. I used the tarot cards as the reference for the top position. The 22 symbols were arranged almost identical with Forest of Gaia and Horoscope. However, instead of two, the group had only one vice leader in the exchange for getting an additional general officer.

The top post was taken by the World Arcana followed by the Judgment Arcana as the second position. The general office positions were taken by the Emperor and Empress Arcana followed by the other arcana as regular members. This group was named Fortuna Braves.

Under Fortuna Braves, I made two groups. The first one was the Board Knights and the second one was Trump Knights. Board was a group made based on chess pieces as reference and Trump was based on the Trump cards.

Both groups led by holders of King symbols. Board Knight was led by Black King and White King while the Trump Knight had Heart King, Diamond King, Spade King, Club King plus a Joker.

At Board Knight, each King would have one Queen, Two Knights, Two Bishops, Two Rooms, and countless Pawn. Unlike other groups, Board had a no limit on recruiting pawns but the pawns who could apply for promotion were only the top 8 in the pawn ranking. The pawns below the top 8 were categorized as Squires.

Meanwhile, at the Trump, each King would only have a Queen, a Jack, and an Ace followed by Knights with a number of their respective symbols ranging from 2 to 10 called Numbers. The special thing about Trump was the existence of a one-man army with no subordinate which was bearing the symbol of a Joker.

Just like Board, Trump was also a group that could recruit countless members. The members who didn't have the symbol or number were categorized as Blanks. The top 5 of the Blanks could apply for a promotion into the Numbers.

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