Chapter 106 - Negotiation

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"Ahem!! My apologies for my unsightly behavior, Ren-dono."

The Queen returned to her Queen Mode all sudden. My gaze turned toward the Lady who averted her eyes when our eyes met. This woman might have warned this foolish queen through telepathy.

"Well, it's not a problem, your Highness."

I replied as formally as I could. I straightened my back and faced the Queen.

"Also, regarding your offer earlier about the treatment of humans and fairies, I can't decide it by myself. Currently, I acted as a representative of the camp. However, in the future, I plan to leave this place. There is some problem for me to solve beyond the vast sea. That was why I have no  qualification to decide it."

I said.

"Then, why don't you call the true leader of the humans right here."

She demanded.

"Well, in that regard we still have yet to decide who will lead the survivors in our absence. The survivors we had gathered were the humans we rescued from the farms owned by the Gluttony. That was why they were uneducated and were overly dependent on my group's capability."

I explained.

"Farm? Are they forced to keep some cattle or something?"

She asked innocently.

"No, they are the cattle grown on that farm. They kept them in the facility, force them to multiply, and slaughter them as food like cattle."

I said.

"Tha-That is..."

The queen was speechless.

"Perhaps, if the wall had been torn down, your kin will be a new kind of cattle in their collection."

I added.

"That's something to be worried about indeed."

The Queen said.

"That's why I can't let their representative to make a decision just yet."

I said.

"Then, what should we do?"

She asked me.

"Let's put a status quo for now. Both sides will have a non interference agreement in the aspect of government and lifestyle. We'll also make an agreement of a joint force in case of emergency. And, in case of a conflict of interest, we'll hold a meeting with either you or the Lady as the mediator of the spirit side and I acted as the humans' side mediator. Of course it won't be lasting forever. Once the groundwork is settled, we'll have a discussion with the representatives of each tribe and races to create a law that could create a harmony in our relationship."

I offered a temporarily solution.

"So, you'll be a parasite for our kin right?"

The little fairy caged near my seat said. The attention of the people in the venue were directed toward the troublemaker fairy.

"What? I am stating the truth right?"

She said feigning ignorance. I took a deep breath and sighed. This girl had never failed to pick a fight with me.

"Parasite huh? Then, we don't mind to leave but the seed and the seedling will leave with us. I just hope Gluttony's army won't knock the door anytime soon. Well, creating a barrier in another place might be an option too after all."

I said.

"Is that so? Then, why don't you leave already?"

The little girl said. She wasn't aware that the Queen and the Lady were glaring at her. I looked at the two and smiled.

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