Chapter 117 - Before the Showdown

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The Fairy Queen and other representatives were very anxious. They were gathered by the humans who had signed an alliance with them so suddenly due to the drastic change of situation. Everyone didn't look calm at all. After all, outside their tough-looking newly-built barrier there was a Demon Lord knocking the doorway with his endless hungry soldiers.

It had been an hour since they had been gathered but the meeting had yet to begin. Also, the true leader of the alliance, Ren Concerto, was nowhere to be seen. Inside the tent that acted as the meeting room was suffocating with the silence of the attendee but outside the tent, there was no sign of anyone stop working or walking. Instead, their pace was so fast that it showed how dire the situation was from their expression.

The entrance of the tent opened. Alicia accompanied by Shiina and Karina entered the tent and sat on the seat of the Alliance Leader in Ren's stead. This action gave the alliance members a doubtful look on her.

"I'm sorry for my lateness, everyone. I'm Alicia, Ren Concerto's wife. I'm here as a representative of my husband in this meeting."

Alicia said.

"Representative? Why the hell is that guy absent in this dire situation?!!"

Aslan the Lion King protested.

"My apologies, due to the current state, my husband is unable to leave his post. Currently, he is preparing himself to deal with Gluttony Demon Lord."

Alicia said.

"Is that so? Then, it's fine. But, what can a woman like you do in this situation? I doubt you can handle this on your own without that husband of yours."

Aslan said.

"You're too agitated, Aslan. It's not like you at all."

Menia, the Fairy Queen, said.

"I can't help it. The fate and future of my people are depended on the outcome of this situation after all. As a king, of course, I can't stay as a quiet obedient guy here."

Aslan said.

"I can understand your concern, Aslan-san. But, if we were blindly moving our soldiers, it will no doubt cause our demise. Please calm down for a moment."

Alicia said.

"The hell I can calm down. Unless those greedy pests outside the barrier are decimated, there's no way I can calm down."

Aslan said.

"I'll say this for once."

Alicia slammed the desk in front of her and stood up.

"Before we know the enemy's strength, the situation of the battlefield, and the enemy's movement, we can't afford to move our troop yet."

Alicia declared.

"Grr... You little girl, don't think that your status as his wife will makes you a wise ruler as he is. Do you think by staying still in this place will bring us victory or at least drive them off for a while?"

Aslan said angrily.

"I'm sorry Aslan-dono, but I agree with Alicia-dono this time."

Flora, the plant fairy representative, said.

"I'm also in  favor of Flora-dono's opinion."

Menia said. Titania the Spirit Lord also nodded in agreement. Hearing this, Aslan growled angrily.

"Please be patient for some time. Currently, my husband has sent his best men to scout the enemy."

Alicia added.

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