Chapter 100 - The Movement of Sloth and Gluttony

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Moving a large crowd toward the lady's territory was not an easy feat. Even I had used the passenger backpack and created a transportation basket to carry the survivors, it still needs me to do a round trip several times to finish carrying them to a safe area.

It was not very long trip but seeing similar scenery over and over was very boring. However, during the latter half of the repetition, the boredom become something you could call a nerve wrecking. The main cause of this change was Alicia who suddenly decided to join the ride during the latter half in place of Fianna who was in charge of the organizing the refugees. 

She didn't talk but all she did was staring at the repeating scenery while humming some kind of song. She was humming happily but somehow I could feel some sinister aura behind that song. When we were returning to the Lady's territory she was quiet but when we headed to pick the next batch of survivors, she acted like this. I wonder why...

Could it be she was just happy for having a slow flight with just both of us?

Ah, no good, I need to focus on my job as a transporter. I landed on the land near the camp. Shade came toward the landing site with a group of survivors. 

"Milord, this is the last batch of the survivors. After this, you can finally have your date you promised with Alicia-sama."

He said.

Date? When did I promise her that?

"Ah, Alicia-sama just told me earlier about this plan. She looks forward to the secret plan you're going to do during the date."

He added. 

I gasped. I never said or promised her this. It seems like it was an indirect request from Alicia. I guess she wanted to spend some quick date flight with me. Well, it's not like I didn't like the idea but this is too sudden. I needed to plan things as soon as possible.

At the corner of my sight, I saw Alicia was talking with a little girl. They laughed as they chatted happily. I couldn't hear what she said. They stopped chatting when their turn to enter the cabin came. Alicia's eyes met with mine. She giggled and smiled mischievously. I shivered a little when I saw it. She might have some kind of plan. 

I spread my wings. I need to focus on what I had to do now. I raised my altitude to certain threshold before accelerating forward. The flight was calm and peaceful. But, below me, there was crowd of green-skinned bipedal monster lurking around restlessly.

I increased my altitude to avoid the goblin's detection. The goblins were walking around as if they were wandering inside the Forest but generally they were heading to the location where our camp used to be. I increased my speed in order to reach our new base camp faster.


Meanwhile, inside the Forest at that heart of the goblin continent, a large humanoid figure was furious. He had dark green skin and red eyes. With a body of reaching 5 meters tall, he was much larger than his peers.

The plan he had made was crushed by an unknown cause and he had lost numerous of battle potential. Furthermore, when he tried to probe the situation on his prey, none of the people he sent was able to report to him.

"Ancestor King, I have an urgent report."

A black skinned humanoid knelt before him.

"Hagen, huh? What is it?"

The giant called Ancestor King said.

"We lost track of the humans."

Hagen said.


The king was surprised.

"Tell me Hagen, how come you lost track of the prey you have hunted until now? Didn't I tell you to crush them with our numbers? Those humans are weak and had no divine protection, and the number of irregular was small yet, how did they escape from your eyes?"

The king said angrily.

"My apologies for my incompetence!!"

Hagen prostrated.

"Useless... I don't need useless subordinates!!!"

"Please, please forgive me... Noooo!!!!"

The king grabbed Hagen's body. Being grabbed by the gigantic palm, Hagen was could only try the futile struggle. It was indeed futile because as soon as his body was caught, he was started getting eaten alive.

Magic power escaped from his body and turned into bluish mist which then got absorbed by the King's skin. His body fluid was also escaping from his skin and was absorbed by the gigantic hand. And as soon as the gigantic mouth was opened, grotesque transparent tentacles sprouted from inside the giant mouth and they exntended toward the weakened prey.

The transparent tentacles' tips transformed into a jaws with grosteque sharp fangs before they reached the body. The tentacles however didn't bite into the flesh of the prey. The went past through it without leaving any mortal wound. After passing the body, the previously empty jaws now were holding transparent bluish colored body parts like a heart, a hand, a liver, a lung, a leg, etc. Yes, those tentacles were eating the preys' organ' soul before finally the empty husk was thrown into the abyss inside the giant's stomach. The tentacles closed their jaws crushing the soul parts and shrank back into the mouth and disappeared.

The ancestor King stood from his seat. He looked toward the horizon.

"Eating his disgusting existence made me dissatisfied."

He said. He was quite irritated. He took a deep breath. With his loudest form of his roar, he called for his subordinate.


Not long after the loud roar a gigantic goblin with the race of Goblin Champion came from the entrance.

"What can I help you, My Ancestor King."

Jarsh asked.

"I am very irritated now. I can't bear hearing any report about an escaped livestock anymore. Jarsh, take 500 humans from the ranch and bring them here."

The King said.

"500 is it? Are you planning on going somewhere, My Ancestor King?"

Jarsh asked.

"Yeah, I'm very irritated now. I need to unleash this somewhere. And at the same time, I want to settle things with the pest dwelling in my land."

The King said.

"Understood, I'll prepare them right away."

Jarsh said before leaving. The Giant Ancestor King laughed. He looked at the sky and grinned.

"Wait for me, Spirit Queen."

He said with full malice.

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