Chapter 98 - Conversation(?) with the Lady

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I was released from the annoying binding of the dragon-like monsters. I stretched my muscle for a few movements before commencing my transformation.

It took time but I had somehow gotten used to it. When the lady wanted to convey something, I stopped her. I rushed toward Shiina's place to ensure her condition.

She was still alive but unconscious. Her breathing was rather normal but she had a bit of massive bruise and many scratches from the impact when we crashed earlier. I think I need to add some safety measures for my passengers when carrying and then in the future even in the smaller version of me. Also, I gotta apologize to her later.

I sighed as I thought about what my mother and Alicia would say if she knew I crashed and injured her this bad. Just thinking that made me a bit reluctant to go back to the camp if possible.

"How was the little lady?"

The lady asked. She looked at the injury on her back and then looked at me.

"I'm sorry for thy loss."

She said.

"She isn't dead though? She won't die from this kind of injury. Though, she might be if I flew at my maximum speed at that time."

I said.

"This one knows the best that sometimes, the reality is harsh. You must let her go and pass on."

She said.

"You see... Can you stop making a hasty conclusion as you pleased? My little sister is still alive you see... Look, she is still breathing."

I said.

"Now you mention it, she is true. How come a human can bear that hard impact without dying? This is so mysterious."

The lady said. She bowed downward toward Shiina to have a closer look. She was like an innocent girl who had seen something new. And for some reason, she stopped using old accent and used modern one instead.

"Umm... may I treat her wounds first? She is still alive but she might be still in pain right now."

I said as I took out a vial of potion from my inventory.

"This one doesn't mind."

She said before taking a step back. I uncapped the vial and poured the content on Shiina's wounds. A faint light came out from her wounds and they slowly recovering themselves like a playback movie. 

"Yosh, that should do it."

I said. Shiina's had no more injury but her clothes had several holes on them. I took out a spare blanket and put it on her body to cover it for now. When I had finished and about to talk to the lady, she was looking at me as if I was someone who had done something unbelievable.

"What's wrong?"

I asked.

"Answer me, Were thou the only one who had such power?"

She asked. I tried to comprehend what does she means by my power but I had indeed shown her many of them since earlier. It wasn't strange if she realized them all. But, explaining them all was foolish as there might be many of them that she hadn't realized yet.

"Power? What kind of power?"

I asked. 

"That ability of yours to summon things."

She said while pointing her finger at me. I was dumbfounded. She was asking me about the gacha feature of my system despite never using it even once here. 

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