Chapter 115 - Finding the Culprit

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Alicia screamed in panic. She quickly approached the unmoving body of her husband. Shiina quickly headed to the nearest light stand and turned it on. Light began illuminating the room revealing Alicia who was hugging Ren in the middle of the room. He was still breathing but his complexion was pale and stayed unconscious.

"Sena, call the doctor!! Hurry!!"

Flint's voice came from the entrance. Sena left the site to find the only medical personnel in the camp. Seeing the girl off, she entered the room.

"Flint-san, please look at what I found."

Shiina called. Three dead figures were lying on the ground. One of them even had his head missing. As for the other two, they both had lost their limbs and even one of them had a large gaping hole inside his abdomen.

"This is..."

Flint finally got a gist of things from the existence of these figures. She walked toward the corpses and examined them. She looked around the room and looked toward Alicia.

"It seems like he had been attacked by assassins."

She said. Alicia flinched when she heard the word 'assassin'. It was rather unthinkable for there would be an assassin strong enough to defeat her husband without causing a commotion and only sacrificed three pawns under his disposal.

"I've brought the doctor!!"

Sena shouted as she entered the tent. Behind her, a lesser imp wearing a white coat followed behind with a leather bag on his back. He was the doctor Ren had summoned not long ago named Collin. Nobody knew how good he was but Ren had given him his trust for managing the camp resident's health.

Alicia laid her husband down. Collin took out a pair of a rubber glove and a surgical mask and put them on.

"Oku-sama, please pardon me."

Collin said before he started examining Ren's condition. He traced the pulse, eye movement, complexion, and many others without saying a word. After waiting for several minutes, he let go of Ren's hand and stood up.

"How was he, Collin-san?"

Alicia asked anxiously.

"To be honest, I'm quite surprised seeing Milord like this. He is unconscious but there's no external wound, a trace of poison, or any sign of bludgeoning. His breathing is normal. There's no sign of abnormality in his pulse and other physical condition."

Collin said.

"Then, what happened to Danna-sama?"

Alicia asked. Shiina, Flint, and Sena listened to them carefully. Collin averted his eyes and scratched his cheek.

"It's a bit too hard to say it straight. Especially if you all looked at me like that?"

Collin said.

"Is he falling into a comatose state, sensei?"

Shiina asked.

"Se-Sensei? That way of calling me has a nice ring to my ear..."

Collin was kind of delighted when he heard her.

"Please answer me, sensei."

Shiina urged.

"No, he's not in a comatose state. In contrary to what we had feared, there's no abnormality in his state."

Collin said.

"Ha? What are you talking about?"

Flint was dumbfounded.

"Well, simply put, he is well..."

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