Chapter 104 - Discussion with the Queen (I)

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I walked toward the Guest Room. Lime was absentmindedly flying behind me. She kept staring at the aluminum case I was carrying with me. Inside this case, I stored many things I prepared for her in case the Queen said something which contradicts her words earlier. Her eyes were kind of empty from despair and it looked like half of her soul had escaped through her half-opened lips.

I entered the large tent used as a temporary guest room. There, I saw the Lady of the lake and a human-sized fairy sitting on the opposite side of Alicia. Somehow, the fairy had an apologetic look on her face.

"Sorry for the wait, Your Majesty. I'm the leader of this camp. My name is Ren Concerto. It's a pleasure to meet you."

I introduced myself.

"Ah, n-no, the pleasure is mine, Re-Ren-dono. I-I-I am the current Queen of the Fairy kin, Alphamenia Vesteria Arcadia.  A-A-Also, I'm sorry for taking your time despite your busy schedule. Ah! I'm sorry for the sudden visit!! A-A-And also I'm sorry for my subject's misbehavior."

The queen apologized.

'You're apologizing too much, My Queen.'

The Lady said.

"Ah! I'm Sorry!! I'm Sorry!! I'm sorry!!"

The Queen gave a timid expression. She bowed to me apologetically many times. Her attitude kind of reminding me of a colleague of mine in my past life. It was kind of nostalgic.

"It's alright. We're also sorry for suddenly intruding your territory and with a large number at that. If possible, I want you to accept this as a token of gratitude for allowing us to build our base in your territory."

I said. I fetched an item called 'Seed of the World Tree' from my inventory. The Queen's and the Lady's Eyes became round when they saw the items I handed them. They looked at the seed and my face alternatively.

"Re-Ren-done, could this item be the one I'm thinking of?"

The Queen inquired.

"That is right. This is a seed of the World Tree. It is a tree that has the opposite nature of an ordinary tree which absorbed the earth's abundance to grow. The tree grows from this seed will promote the abundance of its surroundings as it grew by using the divine grace of the world' creator and the blessing of the sunlight."

I explained.

"Is it alright to give us such divine treasure to us?"

The Queen asked hesitantly while pointing at the watermelon-sized seed. To that question, I nodded in affirmation. The Queen accepted the seed with trembling hands. She held the seed like a fragile glass-work.

"This is too excessive for a gift, Ren-done."

The Queen said.

"It's alright, just think it as a nuisance fee in case the noisy neighbor of ours paid a visit to your territory because of our presence."

I explained.

"In that case, I will gladly accept your gift."

The Queen said.

"Well, then. If I am allowed, may I know why your Highness visits our camp?"

I asked. The Queen glanced at the Lady. They didn't speak anything for several seconds. From the gist of things, it seems like the lady had something to say in secret through telepathy.

"Ah, sorry for the sudden silence. I will explain the reason for our sudden visit to your camp. First, we would like to offer a magic oath with you."

She said.

"Magic Oath? What kind of oath do you want to make?"

I asked.

"Eternal ceasefire on this continent. I want humans to swear to never hunt the fairy kin as long as they stand on this sacred land of our birthplace and I shall tell my people to swear to never harm the humans unless they were in danger."

The Queen said. I closed my eyes for a moment. From her statement regarding the oath, I found many loopholes in it.

First, she told that the 'humans' aren't allowed to hunt the fairy kin but the ones who will swear to not harming the humans are just her people. So, if after the oath she decided to abdicate, the oath for the fairy kin will not affect anyone but the abdicating queen alone. While the oath for humans will affect everyone including those who will make a trade with us in the future.

Second, the clause will only bind humans. It won't affect me, a dragon, and my subordinates who were anthromorph and demi-human.

"Please continue."

I said.

"The second one is to share information about the demon lord army and the demon lord himself. I think you should have realized it when you were able to enter this area. The barrier protecting this area created by the first queen was weakening."

She said.


I wondered.

"Yes, the barrier created by the first queen was originally made to prevent anyone or anything from entering or escape from this area. But, since the birth of the Gluttony Demon Lord, the barrier was weakening. Maybe, it won't last that long before the Demon Lord lead his army to break through the weakened barrier."

She said.

"This is truly worrying if the barrier is weakening and we got attacked before we're ready. But, if I were restoring the barrier fully, it would be a problem too as we won't be able to leave this place. We might be able to create similar barrier with some adjustment but we have none who can do that and we have no material for it either."

I pondered. I glanced at the person who had an understanding regarding the magic circle as a fellow arcane magic user, Anastasia.

"Anastasia, if we were trying to make a protective barrier and monster ward around the fairy queen's area, do you think it will be possible?"

I asked her opinion.

"It will be doable but the maintenance would be difficult as a lot of mana will be needed without a good catalyst or cornerstone of the barrier."

She said.

"Catalyst or cornerstone? Ah! Don't we have one here?"

I said as I looked at the seed of world tree in the Queen's hand.

"It won't be possible for a seed to be a cornerstone, Ren-sama."

She said. 

"Indeed that is impossible to use the seed. But..."

I smirked and browsed through my inventory. It was indeed impossible to use the seed but the item I was taking out was different. After all, the thing I took out was the seedling of the world tree instead the seed.

"We have the seedling which can be used instead."

I said confidently. 

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