Chapter 89 - Hope Beyond Despair

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On the Goblin Continent, inside the rebel's hideout, three girls had a serious discussion. They were ex-hero member party, Flint, Hero of Love, Shiina, and Zodiac Brave of Rabbit, Fianna. The three of them had spent most of their time in the continent by fighting the goblin army and their sub-races to free the humans kept as livestock by the goblins.

They had freed many humans recruited them as rebels. They had killed many goblins along with them. However, the blood spilled from the rebels' side was also couldn't be counted. As a result, the battle tide was almost equal or rather it started to incline to humanity's defeat.

There were several factors in this. First, humanity had lost in numbers. The goblins had a high birth rate and capability to mate with other races and even animals included. Their growth rate also far superior to humans. A goblin would become an adult in three to eight days depending on their sub-race. This made the goblins would stay numerous although many of them were killed daily.

Second, the rescued humans were classless. The humanity in this continent had yet to know about a class change and had no means to do so. And even they knew about it, none among the three could do a class change ritual for them. So, the rebels' army was just a bunch of conscripted militia with very minimal battle power.

Either Fianna, Flint or Shiina was able to kill numerous goblins by themselves. But, if they had to unleash the same might every day for a long time period, that would be impossible. Slowly, the fatigue started to build inside them along with the stress from the pressure. And for them, the only hope they had was the arrival of their reinforcement, Ren.

"Fianna-san, when will Nii-sama arrive here?"

Shiina asked. 

"Ren-sama said there's a storm outside the continent. So, their arrival might be late. I could be today, tomorrow, or maybe even much later."

Fianna said.

Shiina looked downward sadly. She was acting tough so far. Deep inside, she was drowning in guilt after sending the people she saved to their death on each battle despite her promise to bring them to safety without fear of being eaten by the goblins anytime.

"Flint, how's the situation of the battlefield?"

Fianna asked. Flint looked at Shiina. She somehow conflicted about what she was going to say here.

"Actually, I have bad news. Several of them, in fact."

Flint said.

"Please tell us."

Shiina said.

"First, the goblins had moved the remaining human settlement into a deeper place of their territory. This means that those goblins had roughly pinpointed our hideout somehow. Second, the goblins had started amassing powers. I saw many goblins were gathering at the foot of the mountain in the north. Also, I sensed a mass of undead from the marsh at the east. I suspected a goblin necromancer might have started to appear among their rank."

Flint said.

"This is..."

Shiina couldn't respond to that. She had no way to know what to do at that point. She wasn't a general or someone who had the ability to be one. She could only rack her brain to find a solution she could think of.

"This is bad, Ane-san!! A horde of ogres is approaching from the forest in the west!!"

A boy who was a messenger of the scout stationed in the forest said.

"Nee-san!! The goblins are descending from the mountain!!"

Another boy reported. 

"It seems like we're cornered here."

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