Chapter 91 - Strategy and Identity

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I felt so tired. To think my plan to have a proper meeting to settle things in here was stuck at the self-introduction phase made my head hurt. It took me a while to calm things down. In the end, it was decided to have a few representatives of the refugees to join the discussion with our group later.

If you think logically, nobody would ever imagine he will become a subject of worship out of nowhere. The title of being a savior was already absurd but still acceptable, but as for being subject of worship, it was, without doubt, a completely different matter. 

After the long rest, we decided to resume the discussion. Unlike before, I had Flint to choose a few representatives instead involving everyone from the refugee. I had the rest of the refugees to have some rest in the tents I made with alchemy.

I faced everyone at the temporarily meeting site. The meeting started by listening to Fianna's explanation of the current situation. From her explanation, they had suffered countless assaults from the goblins and got pushed back. Things worked fine at the beginning but slowly become grave as the refugees were more or less useless as they had not received any proper education except the linguistic they used for a daily basis. They also hadn't received baptism yet so none among them had job class to support their combat and crafting abilities. Thanks to that, they got cornered and got many of the rescued and rescue team killed by goblins.

"I've gotten the gist of things now. Then, the next is how to solve this."

I said. I rubbed my chin as I tried to figure out the possible options. I looked at the refugees. They were looking at me with worried looks yet their eyes had some sign of expectation from my answers.

"The quickest method might be eradicating every goblin in this continent along with the demon lord. This option is the fastest yet the most dangerous of all. The rest of the humans might get involved as well and it will create more victims."

I said.

"That will be the last resort, for now, Ren. We might not know them just yet but Shiina-chan had tried the best to save them regardless of how their situation was and the number of the victims. Attacking their base right away recklessly not only dangerous but also can be said that you're giving up on saving them as your attacks might kill them too. Also, this method will cause the fertile lands turned into wasteland. It will be wasteful to destroy this place which can become our base of operation and the beginning of our territory."

Mother said.

"Then, the second option is also no good."

I said.


Flint asked.

"The second plan is to retreat from this place with the current group to the mainland."

I said.

"That would mean we're giving up on saving the victims of the goblins. So, it's out of the question."

Flint said.

"The third method is using Shade's and my alchemy to create drugs and potions to forcefully strengthen them. The result might be not bad but the risk is quite high. There might be possibilities of side effects from the drugs and the limited number of herbs we can find in our state."

I said. Nobody reacted to this.

"The fourth option is for me to pick up the reinforcement from the mainland. It will make us unable to monitor the mainland's state, takes a lot of time, and have a risk of the group left here got crushed first by the goblins before I can return with the reinforcement."

I added.

"The fifth and sixth option might be able to solve our problem but they are depending on my demonic ability. The fifth method might not affect everyone present but it will increase our expense and supply consumption. The worst case, we might lose if things turned into the battle of attrition."

I said.

"Then, what's the sixth one?"

Nova asked.

"I don't know if the involved personnel will get affected by my demonic power or not. Also, it might cause a major change to things in the future. And unlike the others, there's no turning back in this option. But, this option will give us a big power-up without doubt."

I said. Alicia looked at me, worried.

"Then, among the six, which one you think is the best, Ren?"

Mother asked.

"The best option with high risk and high return is, without doubt, the fifth and sixth one."

I said. My mother looked at the rest of the members.

"Then, if we picked both options, how high our winning rate?"

Mother asked.

"Close to 80% chance we'll win or I might say. That is if the enemy has the demon general class individuals like the Superbia Demon Lord. If he don't then our victory is secured."

I said.

"In that case, we shall use that method. You can use your demonic power to summon your subordinate, Ren."

My mother said.

"If something is wrong with you, we'll do something about it. Also, Alicia will do something about it if you're going to lose yourself somehow."

Flint said jokingly.

"That's not funny, Flint. The risk is too high to be made into a joke."

I warned her.

"And why is that?"

Flint asked. Her eyes looked pretty serious.

"I had some feeling that you have a lot to tell us, Ren."

She added. I looked at everyone's expression. Especially Alicia's and my mother's they had worried looks on their faces. I sighed and gave up. It seems like it was impossible to hide it any longer.

"Since it's already this far, I guess I can't hide it any longer huh?"

I said. Everyone became serious.

"When I said I possessed darkness attribute within myself, it's a half-lies."

I said. I looked into everyone's eyes once again. I stood up and faced them. I took a deep breath and released a suppressed demonic aura. Everyone tensed up when they felt it for the first time.

"Ren, this aura, could it be..."

Flint said. She was quite taken aback when she received it. 

"Once again, let me tell everyone. My real identity. I'm Ren Concerto, an Abyss Seraphic Dragon. I held the power of the light from the heroes' insignia of Fate and Harmony. However, at the same time, I held another identity. In demonic accent, I'm known as Bel Pheol. And under this name, I held the authority of the Seventh Sin, Acedia."

I said resolutely. Everyone fell into silence. Everyone was shocked by hearing this fact. 

"Acedia... Does that mean..."

Shiina was the first one to speak.

"Yeah, I'm the one known as the seventh Demon Lord. And this is the source of the power of mine which is guaranteed to be able to stand head to head with the other demon lords as well as the greatest fear I had carried since long ago."

I said. As I did it, I revealed my half-transformation of my left arm. The formerly human arm turned into a dragon arm covered in silver scales before it changed color into a dark sinister color decorated with bloody red color runes on each scale. The trace of silver lines could be found on the perimeter of the black scales which gives a more unique trait on it.

After witnessing this, nobody said anything from either fear, shock, or disbelieve.

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