Chapter 116 - Calm Days Before the Storm

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The camp's development suddenly changed drastically. The pace of the warrior training, skill mastery, technology development, and many others increased by about 200% than before. The change started when the Lord, Ren Concerto, had finally implemented the Legion System. 

The residents were informed regarding the system briefly by Shade, who was a member of the Zodiac Brave. His explanation was brief yet it gave a strong persuasion especially for the youngsters. By joining the Legion, the classless citizens were given access to the Job Classes and Levels. Thanks to that, their growth was becoming more specialized into either combat or production which rapidly affected the development. As another bonus, the trait of Acedia Flag gave an experience bonus as long as the Lord was in a deep slumber state.

The enormous experience boost however also had a demerit for itself. When someone suddenly gained a large power overnight, he would have some difficulty in controlling them. This demerit could be seen especially on the previously classless people. The major change from being a powerless human toward the powerful being just in the span of overnight had caught them off guard. As the result, on the first day they received the Legion blessing, the major breakdown occurred throughout the camp. The incident of the tableware snapping from simple dishwashing, the clothes got ripped just by simple stretching, doors got blown by simple movement, etc. occurred almost every 5 minutes.

However, under the diligent guidance from the previous victim of cheat-based power leveling a.k.a. the Hero, Shiina, the rehabilitation for the suddenly-overpowered-citizens went well. However, rapid development would require a periodical monitoring so that there wouldn't be a major accident occured. And thus, with Alicia acted as the leader, a Council was made.

The Council held a meeting in weekly basis. The topic of the discussion was mainly about the development on the production department, education, Legion Management, and the frontline state.

"Let's start the 24th Council meeting. Are there any department who is absent today?"

Alicia asked starting the meeting. She looked at the member's seat and nodded in satisfaction after confirming that everyone was present.

"Let's start with the current central section report. Just as previously stated in the last meeting, my husband is still in his deep slumber since the launching of the Legion System. The daily report sent to the main office also indicated that there is no major problem so far and development is advanced steadily. That's all. For the next agenda, please read the weekly report from each Department in turn as usual."

Alicia said reading the paper in her hand.

"Then, I will read the report from the Legion Management Department."

Shade said. He stood up with a paper in his hand and began reading it.

"So far, with exception of the children under 10 and elderly, everyone had been registered as Legion Members. However, the number of them who is ambitious enough to challenge the rank up toward the <<Named Ranks>> is low after the first batch of the reckless youngsters attempted the <<Advancement Trial>>."

Shade said.

"Ah, if I'm not mistaken, the last one was of that batch was six days ago right?"

Rione said. She was a representative of the Education Department. She had become a representative despite being a newcomer. She was a classless like other residents but her superior knowledge she had learned in her previous world had made her standing out in the educational aspect. 

After the Legion System was implemented, she signed up to be a member right away and managed to pass the <<Advancement Trial>> to hold the <<Queen of Heart>> seat of the <<Trump>>. She had aimed for a higher seat but no avail. The new classes she had received from the system were <<Wind Mage>>, <<Water Mage>>, and <<Witch>> which made her a magic specialist.

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