Chapter 111 - The Fate of Ex-Demon Lord

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I roared at the archnemesis of mine. Seeing the one that should have died from my attacks standing before me had made my rage reached the peak. I had expected the existence of any oddball would be summoned but this was another story.

Ignoring the confused bystander, I lunged at the overly familiar devil at the back. I used my full strength to accelerate and send the heaviest punch I could make at that state directly to his face. As soon as my fist connected to his face, the impact of a dragon punch plus the high speed and centrifugal force was delivered. 


Invidia made a weird sound as he spun at high speed. He was sent flying. His body blown by the force of a dragon punch who was blinded by resentment and rage and crashed hard against the wall. The strength I used wasn't actually full-powered one, but it was more or less above 50% and probably enough to kill someone, normally. As a result, Invidia who should have been stopped by the wall went past it by making a human-shaped hole on the wall and created a cloud of dust at some distance.

I gathered my magic. I blew the unsightly human-shaped hole and created a hole that large enough for a truck to pass through. I walked out of the stone tent and approached the blown devil.

I could feel the pulse of my mana throughout my arms and legs. I glanced at them and found out that they had been transformed into my dragon form. I released my killing intent plus my full-powered three auras toward the archnemesis of mine.

From the cloud of dust, I saw the figure of the devil slowly standing up. I kicked the ground. The distance between us disappeared in a blink of an eye and when I saw his tattered face my anger resurfaced. I grabbed his shoulders and sent my knee to his guts.


He released the air from the strong impact. However, I didn't stop there. I grabbed his head and lifted it in an iron claw.

"Well, I praise your bravery to show your face once again in front of me. It seems like your visit to the hell have yet to teach you a lesson."

I said to his ear.

"Ahaha... well, thanks for the praise..."

He laughed lightly.

"Well, as a reward, I will let you choose, be sent back to the hell once again with the painful, thorough, and slow method or living a real-life version of hell before being sent to the hell once again, choose one."

I said with my full enmity.

"We-Well... is there a way I don't have to get through the hell part? Also, isn't your iron claw getting more painful than before?"

He said jokingly.

"Then, you're asking for both right?"

I said before releasing the grip on his head. Being pulled by gravity, his body was descending. However, he was never able to touch the ground. Before his feet touched the ground, I spun at high speed and sent a roundhouse kick to his side. 

The devil was sent flying once again. I poured my mana to the runes engraved on each scale on my legs. The dragon language rune gave out a faint light. From a distance, it should look like both my legs were shining. 

I kicked the ground again. This time, my speed was much more superior than earlier. It was so fast that I passed the flying body of the devil I kicked earlier. I stopped in the path Invidia was sent flying. I raised my right leg to the air. 


With full anger and resentment, I stopped the flying body by giving it a full force dropkick as I roared. Fog of dust scattered in all directions. I ground my heel harder at the body below me. There was no reaction from the devil. I waited for the dust to settle down just to find the devil was still breathing faintly while his consciousness had long gone from the beating.

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