Chapter 101 - The End of Transportation Duty

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Upon landing on the destination, Shade guided the survivors toward the gathering point. Alicia helped him at the beginning but she stayed behind when the last person had gotten off from the carrier. I removed the transportation gear from my body and reverted back to my human form.

"Thanks for the good work, Danna-sama."

She greeted.

"Ah, yeah."

I was lost of words. I felt awkward from the message Shade had conveyed earlier.

"You see, Alicia... About the thing you told Shade earlier.... Well..."

I couldn't get the right words for this moment.

"What is it, Danna-sama?"

She said. Her voice was so soft and her adorable face made a seductive looks made me more conscious of her. I was wondering whether she did this on purpose or not but anymore than this might be bad considering that we have not secured a proper base and stabilize things yet.

When I was having a big conflict inside my head, Alicia leaked a snort. She suddenly laughed. I stared at her while wondering what she was laughing at.

"My apologies Danna-sama. I just teased you. It was true that I want to have some time for ourselves but considering things right now, I know that you still have things to do first. But, seeing how serious you are made me want to prank you like this."

She said.

"You know... It's not that funny you know. Even though things are still like this, you are still my priority. If you're asking for it, I don't mind to advance the plans or have a direct confrontation with that demon Lord by myself if it is to fulfil your wish."

I said.

"Tha-That is..."

She became lost of words. She probably didn't expect this statement coming out from mouth.

"I'm sorry, Danna-sama."

She apologized. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her.

"I'm also apologies, I know that things might make you feel so lonely. But, this time, I promise that it won't take a long time. After all, the chance of having our back stabbed is close to nil this time."

I said. Alicia didn't say anything as she snuggled against my chest.


Both Alicia and I flinched when we suddenly heard a voice from the side. I looked toward the owner of the voice. There stood a girl I never seen before. She had an appearance of a teenage girl with pale skin, green eyes and green hair. She was wearing green one piece long dress which covered her feet. She had some distinct feeling of beauty but there was a unique feeling that told me that she was not a human.

"My apologies for disturbing your pleasant moment but the Queen wished to meet you. She said you need to come as soon as possible."

She said politely.

"Tell the Queen that I will be there soon."

I said. The girl bowed before turning around as if trying to leave. Her body changed color into light brown before she sank down to the ground as if she melted and united with the earth.

"It seems like I've gotta go now. About the date, let's do it properly after things calm down."

I said.

"Yes, Danna-sama."

Alicia agreed with smile.

I left the scene to the direction of the camp. The survivors had started building their tent here and there. As for my group, they were giving instruction and helping out the construction. The site they picked was not far from the water source but perhaps there would be no difficulty in finding some food resource too.

"Ah, I need to get to the Queen soon."

I muttered. I took a step when I remembered something important.

"Now you mention it, how do I get in touch with the queen again?"

I said to myself.


Hello, Hello Everybody!!

Today, we got a short chapter compared to the previous ones. Well, I can't help but to apologies for this. Due to the old spec and the excessive usage, my PC had finally broke down with little hope of recovery. I was thinking of buying a new one but due to the change of things in my workplace, my income had a bit of cut compared to before. And the payday was delayed too. So, it was even hopeless for me for now. So, the only method I could use to update the stories was just using my Smartphone. So, the chapters might be much shorter and had longer update period. And also, there might be more spelling and grammar miss than usual as checking the spelling on smartphone is quite difficult and sending the story to my editor would be also would be tough too as the copy and paste system of a smartphone wasn't easy like a PC.

And Also Happy New Year Everyone!!

Thank you for reading Reincarnated as Alchemist!! I hope that everyone will keep reading my story next year too till the end of the story. That is all for now. Well then, let's get back to work.

Boss Blazt Logging out!!!

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