Chapter 103 - Misunderstanding (I)

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I had completely lost my patience. Without any prior warning or farewell, I transformed into my dragon form and left toward the base. I had a lot of things to do back at the base and that fairy dared to waste my time. At that time, I've decided that if the fairy Queen wished to meet me, she better come to me personally or at least sent someone with proper standing or at least intelligence for inviting someone.

I flapped my wings to increase my speed. For now, I occupy my mind with the list of things I must do upon my arrival at the base. There was still logistic assortment, summoning new personnel, and registration of the refugees into my legion. The first one could be delegated but the latter two only could be done by me.

I landed at the clearing near the base. I returned into my human form right away and headed to the tent which was used as my office. I asked a youth passed by the entrance to call Fianna and Shade to my office. After seeing the youth off, I entered my office. Inside, I saw Alicia was reading some document in my stead.

"Ah, welcome back, Danna-sama."

She greeted me. She stood from her seat and approached me.

"How was the audience with the Queen?"

She asked with a smile. I gave a wry smile and averted my eyes.

"Don't tell me you got lost and have not met with the Queen."

She said with a cold gaze. To respond, I just could give a dry laugh and scratched my head.

"Danna-sama, do you really understand the position we're in? We're the guest here. You can't cancel the invitation on your own like that just because you got lost on the way!!"

She lectured me.


"No buts!! Do you know that your selfish act can enrage the Queen? You should have learned a bit about politics with Onii-sama in the past. But, it seems like I need to remind you about the lesson."

Alicia scolded me. This might take a lot of time. My mood went down to the bottom and my resentment toward a certain aloof fairy raised to the top. I wonder if I could restrain myself from plucking her limbs if I see her again. 

'Ah!! Found you!! Mou~!! Don't suddenly transform into a huge dragon and leave your guide behind like that!!'

Lime barged into the tent and complained. I could feel my eyes turned into a dot and my blood-lust was released toward her as well as the avian which had helped her in stirring problems in my household.

"It seems like we need to talk for a while, Danna-sama. With Okaa-sama's presence too of course."

Alicia said with a cold tone.

'Umm... Can't you do that lover quarrel later? We must depart soon or we'll anger the Queen for being late.'

Lime said without reading the mood. It seems like a need to be squashed. And for the bird outside, if you dare to sneak out and disappear on your own, I'll turn it into minced meat while it was still alive. And as if it understand my intention, the bird tensed up and nodded many times like a broken doll. I could somehow visualize an imaginary gold sweat was drenching her feather from the fear.

"Excuse me, Ren-sama."

Anastasia entered the office. 

"Do you have a moment? A being claiming to be the Spirit Queen had come to visit. Should I guide her to the Guest Room?"

She said. I secretly glanced at the little fairy in front of me. She flinched when her eyes met with mine.

"Alright, please do so. Gave her the best hospitality. I permit you to use the supply to create something palatable for the Queen and her escorts."

I said.

"I understand, Ren-sama. Oya? Isn't it fairy kin over there?"

Anastasia said when she realized Lime's existence inside the office.

"Ah, her? She is the envoy the Queen sent me to tell me about her arrival but she was late because she got lost."

I said.

"Is that so? Should I guide her to the guest room too?"

She asked.

"Ah, you don't have to. I have some questions for her for a bit. I'll head to the Guest room 'with her' later. Please convey it to the Queen."

I said while pointing at Lime. As a perfect maid, there's no way Anastasia won't realize the hidden message I just conveyed. She bowed once before leaving. After seeing Anastasia off, my gaze fell on the tiny bug who was trembling from the head to toe.

"It seems like we got a lot of things to talk about, Lime-chan."

I said.

"And please try to not wet yourself. As you can see, I'm an alchemist. If I found you wetting yourself, I can manipulate the leaked piss and throw it back into your throat. Understand? Also, Yakitori over there!! Where do you think you're going?"

I said. I glanced at the bird who tried to sneak out and leave. It stopped midway and turned around before getting closer rigidly like a wind-up toy. It walked closer and stopped near Lime's place.

"And, even if you escape now, I have marked your 'soul' so unless you hide beyond the realm of the dead or Gula's stomach, I doubt you can escape my eyes as long as you are still in this continent."

I said with a threatening smile.

"Ara? It seems like Danna-sama is really angry. Well then, take your time, Danna-sama. I'll try to entertain the Queen for the meantime."

Alicia said before leaving. Lime raised her hand as if want to tell her to not leave her alone.

"Ah, Alicia, can you bring this bird with you? I bet it can somehow testify to the Queen about the situation. Ah, if there's a sign it was trying to lie, feel free to dip it into the frying pan later."

I said.

"I understand, Danna-sama. Well then, let's go, Tori-chan."

Alicia called. The bird looked back and forth between its friend Lime and Alicia's face. It stared at Lime for several seconds longer before finally flew and perched on Alicia's shoulder.

"Ara, what a cute bird. I wonder if you want me to keep you as a pet."

She said. The bird tensed up and looked at Alicia as if trying to say 'please spare me from that'.

"Well then, where did I put that tool again?"

I muttered as I browsed through my inventory. I occasionally glanced at Lime's face every time I took out something from inside. It was kind of amusing when I saw her face was gradually losing its color due to the fear.

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