Chapter 96 - Sibling's Interaction

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The next morning, I went to the pseudo warehouse. There, I saw Fianna was already waiting for me with a pile of paper in her hand. She handed me the papers containing the list of the survivors. I looked at the content and was dumbfounded. 

The survivors were named using Japanese terms without any surname so it was like a Japanese name dictionary. There were even some famous names mixed in them like Nobunaga, Musashi, Benkei, Yoshitsune, etc. That was much expected as the names were proposed by a former high-school-girl.

I skimmed through the pages. My memory was more or less enhanced so that I could remember many simple things like names on a single glance. I read the list and details from the top to the bottom. 

"So, the ratio between male to female is 3 to 5. Also, with this number, we might be tight on food soon without establishing a proper base and securing a way to produce daily necessities.  Water can be made easily but the food isn't. Maybe trying to summon new subordinates last night might be too hasty."

I concluded.

"Fianna, ask Flint and Mother to help managing the warehouse. After that, come with me to survey the potential places to make a sturdy base with natural fortress. I need a place with abundant resources and plenty of water. I'll summon a flying mount for you later."

I said.

"Yes, Milord."

She bowed before leaving. She walked away with the report on the supply with her. I looked at the list of names in my hand again. I stored it inside my inventory and headed to the camp. 

"Maybe I'll ask Alicia to come with me."

I muttered. I made up my mind and walked around the camp in order to look for her. It didn't take me a long time to spot her among the young female survivors. It seems like she was teaching Lily alongside with them about many things. At the furthest spot, I saw Shiina was watching Alicia with a bit dejected look on her face.

I approached the group.

"Alicia, can I have a minute?"

I called for Alicia.

"Yes, Danna-sama. Well then, everyone, please wait here for a bit. I'll be back soon."

Alicia said to her students. She left the group with me. We left for some distance from the original site.

"What's wrong, Danna-sama?"

She asked.

"We-Well, Actually I want to fly around the place to look for a location for building a permanent base. I want to ask you to come with me but it seems like you're quite busy teaching those girls."

I said. 

"I'm so happy when you considered to ask me, Danna-sama. But, as you said, I was teaching those girls about general knowledge. Also, rather than asking me, I think you should bring Shiina-chan instead. She looked weird from the day we arrived. I heard the fact she almost had everyone killed for her selfishness made her pressured too much."

She said.

"I see... Alright, I got it."

I said. I looked toward Shiina. She was staring at the girls who were chatting with Lily inside the group. Alicia also followed my gaze and looked at her dejected sister-in-law.

"I'll leave her to you, Danna-sama."

She said before returning to her students. I looked at Shiina's direction again. She stood from her spot and took a leave toward the caved-in hill. I silently followed her and closed our distance. She had a lot of things inside her mind that she didn't realize I was approaching her.

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