Chapter 107 - Summoning Ceremony (I)

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It was the next day since the negotiation. With the deals with the fairy queen (temp.) was done, I could finally focus on the preparation of building forces to fight Gluttony Demon Lord. Just as planned, I had Anastasia and Fianna helped me to manage the supplies for the subordinates I was going to summon after this.

Ever since the first time I had obtained the gacha system, I had received several summons. I had summoned some of them who were currently the active members of Zodiac Braves and several beasts and monsters which had perished during the incident with Maximillian.

The rate of obtaining a living being in the gacha was very rare. In the past, I would get several animals from the gacha but it was very rare. I probably could only get 1 or 2 every 100 draws. The rest of them were either materials, usable items, or junk. But, the rate of getting summonable subordinates especially the humanoid types had increased since I had been released from the seal. And the humanoid summoning rate had increased even more after I had defeated Invidia. As a result, I had gathered many of them inside my inventory.

Since there were too many junk items and materials mixed in the gacha result, I had to put them in folders and organize them occasionally. But, the result of the gacha in case of obtaining a living being, it still had many randomized parameters. For example, if the gacha said I had obtained a human, the only fixed parameter would only be the race. The gender, age, occupation, levels, skill, and appearance are completely random. That was why even if I summoned a rare occupation such as Grand Sorcerer, it can be useless if he or she was either a toddler or too old to stand on his/her own.

Besides the randomized parameters, there was also another problem. The summoned individuals would be summoned in their birthday suits. This was proven to be true when I summoned 11 members of the Zodiac Braves beside Sora the horse. When I had explained it to Alicia and the rest, I got a hard time convincing her to not be angry.

Well, let's put that aside for now. With the logistic had been prepared and the tent to hide the summoning process had been built, I could say that the preparation had been completed. All I have to do is pretending to chant the summoning as I took the subordinates out of the inventory.

With that in mind, I entered the tent. I secretly operated the inventory system. I accessed the summoned beings folder and rearranged the content into several categories. They were race-based summon which were then divided into a monster, magic beast, human, elves, beastkin, dwarf, dragonkin, demonkin and undead, occupation-based such as crafting occupations and combat occupation, gender-based, and age-based summon. In the inventory menu they were displayed as such:

>Monster and Magic Beast (12) 
> Human (8) 
>Elf (3)
>Beastkin (10) 
>Dwarf (2)
>Dragonkin (1)
>Demonkin (5)
>Undead (5)

Occupation Based:
>Combat Occupation (12)
>Production Occupation (5)
>Others (4)

>Male (4)
>Female (12)
>Unknown (1)

>Baby (9)
>Children (3)
>Teens (4)
>Adult (3)
>Elderly (9)

And thus we got 100 summonable personnel. The Others in the occupation-based category was a category filled with occupations that didn't fit with combat and production jobs like a gambler, beggar, etc. As for the Unknown gender, I had to put in a different folder as when I obtained it, the system had stated it as Gender Unknown instead of Gender Male or Gender Female. If I were to think about it positively, this category can be put for an undead, slimes, or other creatures with ambiguous disposition.

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