Chapter 108 - Summoning Ceremony (II)

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After ensuring that the first group had left, I opened my inventory menu again. Judging from the numbers, I guess I could put the elves, dwarves, and dragonkin in a single batch as they had a small number.

I selected the batch and chanted as I did on the first batch.

"Lost Soul of the World Boundary, Answer my call and serve me. [Subordinate Summoning]!!"

I said before tapping the summon button. A similar scene replayed before me. Six lights descended inside the magic circles and formed into six individuals figures. When the ceremony was over, six individuals consisting of two male dwarves, one male elf, one male dark elf, one female elf, and one dragonkin.

"Thank you for answering my call, traveler. My name is Ren Concerto. My brothers and sister, may this lord know-"

Just before I could finish my greeting, suddenly an unexpected phenomenon happened. the sole dragonkin among the group suddenly did a dogeza in front of me.

"This lowly persona greets the Esteemed Monarch!!!"

He shouted all sudden.


The elf girl asked in wonder.

"What are you doing, fools! The person in front of you is a Monarch Dragon-sama!! At least kneel down before he gets angry!!"

The dragonkin glared at the group behind him. Hearing his warning, the elves and dwarves turned pale and quickly kneel down to beg for forgiveness.


I tried to call for them.

"Yesh!! What can I help you?!!"

The dragonkin answered in instant.

"Well, for now, can you guys stand up? It's kind of troubling to talk in this state."

I said.

"Thank you very much for your kindness!!"

He replied. He led the group to stand up. The elves and dwarves looked reluctant to do it and the dragonkin was looking this way with expectation in his eyes.

"Alright, for now, can I hear your name and classes? If possible, the level too."

I said. The elves and dwarves looked at each other. As the dragonkin looked confused with my question.

"Etto, we can start from the dragonkin. Tell me your name, level, and class."

I said in a deeper tone. The dragonkin straightened his back and began his introduction like a new recruit in a military facility.

"Yesh! My name is Long. 53 years old. Level 85 Spearmaster, Sir!!"

The dragonkin said.

"I see... Then, the next the dark elf over there please."

I said. I used a kinder tone than usual. 

"Ah, Yes!! I'm Lullerant. You can call me Lulle. I'm 152 years old. I am level 171 Beastmaster. It's a pleasure to meet you, Esteemed Monarch-sama."

The dark elf said. He bowed politely and moved his long silver hair slightly. He had dark skin and some white tribal tattoo over his body. His good build was kind of giving an aura of dependable and overall he is an ikemen.

"And then, please the dwarves over there, can you introduce yourself?"

I pointed at the duo old men.

"I'm Ilungard. I'm level 99 Engraver. My age is 95 years old. And beside me is my brother."

The reddish haired dwarf said. 

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