Chapter 120 - War of Attrition (Part 1)

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"Somehow I felt a bit nervous."

The formerly high school student, Kashima Kotoko, said. She was holding a binocular as she looked toward the mountain on the watchtower. The light breeze passing by caused her ponytail to sway around. Hanging on her waist was a pair of the rapier. She received a weapon specialist class when she joined the legion system. Barely hidden by her miniskirt, a tattoo of a Spade symbol with a Q letter in the middle was engraved on her thigh. She held an important spot as a leader in this camp. 

"I can't blame you for being nervous, Koto-chan. In fact, I bet everyone in the camp also feeling the same as you."

The girl standing beside her, Sakuranomiya Ouka, said while observing other areas with her binocular. Her perm hair was mostly hidden under the feathered hat. She had a long-range magic rifle strapped on her back. Similarly to Kotoko, she also received her Magia Sniper from joining the Legion. But, unlike her, she didn't have a spot in the Trump. Instead, she held a higher spot than hers, Arcana Brave - Justice. She had a tattoo of a scale and sword engraved on her left hand.

"Of course anyone will be nervous. We're going to fight against a ridiculous amount of enemy. Just don't say anything that can trigger a death flag."

Midorikawa Kana, a boyish girl who was a friend of the two said. She held a binocular in her hand and watched the last area of the mountain. She didn't have any weapon on her. For her Martial Master job, the fist and legs were lethal enough for her enemies. With the steel gauntlet and magic boots, she should be invincible enough to fight her enemies knowing that she had the tattoo of a white Rook chess piece engraved on her waist.

"However, it seems like there're few exceptions in that premise, Kana-chin. Look."

Ouka pointed out the pair of boys who were doing some light exercise to warm their bodies up. 

"Ah, you mean Kuroba-kun and Kawakami-kun?"

Kana said following the direction Ouka had pointed. As she looked toward the boys, her eyes accidentally met with the sword-wielding boy, Kawakami Ichiro. She gasped when their eyes met and averted her eyes with a slight blush on her face.

"Did you spot anything yet, Midorikawa?"

Ichiro called her out.

"Ah, no. Not yet at the moment."

She hurriedly replied to his question.

"Is that so? Man, those goblins are surely so slow somehow. I can't wait for the moment I become a one-man-army on the battlefield later."

Ichiro grumbled. He returned to his light exercise afterward as Kana returned to his duty watching over the area she was entrusted with.

"Oya, it's over already? I thought it would be a new spring would appear on the bloody battlefield."

Ouka teased.

"It won't!! Mou, just focuses back on your job already!!"

Kana scolded. She returned her gaze into the binocular when she saw a large catapult being pulled by a group of orcs in the distance.

"Enemy sighted!! Caught the visual of a group of orcs pulling a siege weapon at 11 o'clock direction. There're several goblins followed behind with normal equipment. There's no sign of a variant detected."

Kana quickly reported with a loud voice. Hearing this, Ouka scanned her area with her binocular. There was no sign of the enemy in the area she was in charge of but when she looked at the trees carefully, they kind of swaying a little despite the absence of breeze passing as if they were able to move around. Feeling something was amiss, Ouka pulled her rifle and peered through the scope before shooting toward the area where the moving trees were.

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