Chapter 92 - Ren's Secret

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The atmosphere of the meeting place changed. Well, that was to be expected knowing that the one who was their trump card actually was actually a kin of their enemy. I looked downward while feeling guilty. I knew that much that if I revealed this, it would turn this way. 

Before I realized it, Alicia had left her seat and approached me. I couldn't see her face or rather, I can't do it. Not right now. I felt like I had betrayed her for good.

"Since when..."

I heard Alicia's muttering.

"Since when did you get this wicked power?"

She asked me in low voice. She didn't sounded like her usual kind self. Well, she was obviously very angry and felt betrayed now.

"I had the seed of demon since childhood but I hid it and pretended that it doesn't exist."

I said while bearing the feeling of guilt.

"Then, when did you become a demon lord?"

She asked again. I averted my eyes.

"Answer me, Ren!!"

She urged me to tell her. She was so angry that she didn't even forgot to use honorific in my name or rather, she might have been feeling disgusted after she called a demon lord with polite and loving way.

"After we left the dragon nest."

I said.

"Then... the reason you left us at that time..."

She was at lost. I closed my eyes. I bet soon I would receive a big slap on my face so I decided to close my eyes and waited. However that slap never came. Instead, she hugged me tightly.


She said. I was dumbfounded.

"Why didn't tell me sooner?"

She asked. She was crying as she hugged me.

"Alicia, I uh..."

I couldn't find the right word to say.

"Ren-sama no baka. Why must you suffer by yourself?!"

She said. I didn't say anything. Or rather, I couldn't. My mind was in mess. I never expected this outcome.

"Why, Ren-sama? Why did you have to bear this by yourself?"

She asked again.

"That is... I'm sorry."

I decided to apologize.

"Do you think that an apology is enough? When I know that you had been hiding this for long time, I felt like betrayed. It felt like Ren-sama didn't think me as your wife at all."

She said.

"That's not what I mean to do, Alicia! I'm just scared..."

My voice gradually became smaller. 

"I'm scared if you're going to hate me if I told you what kind of abomination I had become."

I said. 

"Baka, there is no way I would hate you for this!!"

Alicia raised her voice.

"Alicia... Thank you."

I hugged her. For the first time, I felt a large burden had been lifted from my chest. 

"Umm... my apologies for breaking the mood but may I ask something?"

Rin said while raising her hand. Everyone's eyes were directed at her. 

"You said that you have the power of a demon lord and a hero, but won't those two clash against each other and ruined your body?"

She asked.

"Is that true, Ren-sama?!!"

Alicia's expression turned into worry as she directed her face toward me. Man, can't she pick a better mood for this?

"There's no problem. My first hero insignia is Harmony. It has ability to pacify all kind of energy inside my body. That was why I could hold the holy power of my second insignia, kaiser dragon crest, and the Acedia's Demon Flag without any demerit and danger."

I explained. After that, the atmosphere became calmer somehow. However, once again the meeting was postponed with temporarily choosing both using my power of granting power through legion system and the subordinates I had obtained through a daily gacha.

I had the meeting dismissed for now. I told Karina to take care of comforting Alicia. I wished I could do it myself but I had to settle things with my mother who had emitted some pressure since earlier.

Needless to say, I got plenty of beating from her regardless what I had explained to her. The pains from her beating was still bearable but seeing her crying as she gave them to me hurt me more than anything.


Hello, Hello, Boss Blazt back online!!

It has been a while everyone!! Sorry for the late update as usual.

Man, my workplace would get an external audit from the government so I have no choice but to delay the updates until then. But, I still will be able to sneak some time writing new chapters somehow, although they would probably shorter than the regular ones.

I hope the audit get done sooner already!! I'm tired of working overtime almost everyday without extra payment added to my account. Goodness, I was supposed to work in a hospital with regular shift and payment yet why the actual job somehow tasted like working in a black company...


Ah, I grumbled again. Let's set that aside. Thanks for reading the chapters until now. For the new readers, I welcome everyone. We updated slowly but I will try to write my story as interesting as possible. I hope you enjoy it. Well, then. Boss Blazt, Logging Out!!

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