Chapter 118 - Battle of the Western Ocean

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Facing the restless waves at the beach, Vladimir sighed as he adjusted his tricorn hat. The sea looked calm at the surface and there was no trace of chaos hidden within. It was a perfect description of the phrase of the calm before the storm.

He and the people stationed in this front knew well that hidden within this calm sea, there were countless lizardmen and saguahin. With a complete disadvantage in terms of numbers, they didn't feel any anxiety or fear. After all, even there were just four of them, they were unmistakably elites compared to the others.

"The enemies approached the shore. The decoy ships will arrive at the shore in 15 minutes at this rate while the hidden ones will probably launch an ambush when we tried to attack the decoys."

Arc said as he rose from the ground. Half of his body was sinking into the ground as a corporeal body while his upper body materialized his semi-transparent form.

"Then, tell me when the troop is in the range specified in the plan."

Vladimir said. The flame in his eye sockets flickered for a moment as if to gave a sign of his cunning plan.


Arc said before sinking back into the ground. As a being with a corporeal body, Arc could bypass any solid object. His constitution as a corporeal type of undead, he didn't need to breathe or eat and he could detect the essence of 'soul' within the living which made him a great scout especially in the naval battle.

"I guess it's time to prepare."

Vladimir muttered. He glanced at the Magic Cutlass hanging on his waist. 

"Should we start, Leader?"

Forte the mermaid asked. He was in his human form and stood on the sandy beach beside Vladimir. Behind him, Dimarcia looked at him with expecting look toward the leader, Vladimir.

"We'll raise the curtain in five minutes."

Vladimir declared.


The twin mermaids said in unison. Forte reached for his magic pouch. He put his hand inside for a moment and pulled out a violin. The violin looked like an ordinary violin however, it exuded a mysterious aura and gave out a natural magic power despite being an object. If it was seen in the Main Continent, the instrument fanatics, magic item collectors, and even the church would go crazy. After all, this violin was a masterpiece made by a skilled dwarf using wood of the World Tree's branch and mithril. In terms of a rarity, this violin was without a doubt a national treasure level.

Dimarcia took several steps away from her brother. She took several deep breaths and reached for her pouch. When she pulled her hand out of the bag, a large contrabass appeared in her hands. With a heavy thud, it landed on the ground.

Seeing Dimarcia taking out a musical instrument, Vladimir was surprised. He couldn't help but surprised by this action she took as she wasn't a bard but a songstress. She wasn't supposed to be playing music but singing. Seeing the surprised leader, Dimarcia grinned.

""<<Gemini Resonance>>""

Forte and Dimarcia said in unison. 

From Forte's left arm and Dimarcia's right arm, a similar symbol of the twin zodiac appeared. Soon after that, the two symbols were connected by a golden line. At the same time, a magic circle with a constellation of Gemini appeared on the ground below their feet.

""<<Astral Orchestra>>""

The twin activated another skill. Coming from the ground, various music instruments manifested from the glowing magic circle. 

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