Chapter 105 - Discussion with the Queen (II)

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The Queen stood from her seat and looked at the object in my hand with disbelieve. Just seeing the seed of the world tree was already very unusual and the sapling was even more unusual. After all, for a seed of a world tree to germinate required a lot of time. The fastest speed for a seed to germinate was at least reaching 50 years and to became a sapling even need several times of that. And for me to possess both was something unthinkable, normally.

"How did you get that?"

The Queen asked. She pointed at the object in my hand with her trembling finger. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, I don't know the exact origin but you can say that these items are the gift from Demon God, Ohm-sama."

I said.

"Gift of Demon God you said?!! That's unbelievable!! It's impossible for a Deity to grant physical object to the mortals!!"

The Queen said. The Lady, the prankster fairy and Alicia nodded in agreement.

"Precisely he didn't give it to me personally. He just granted me an ability to summon things out of nothing. There are some limitations but it's not something I can disclose here."

I explained.

"An ability you said? If that's the case, then it can be said as believable but how come you received that ability?"

She said.

"Well, I might be looked like this but technically, I am a Demon Lord you know?"

I said while pointing at my face.

"Ah, now you mention it, you're indeed one. You didn't give the feeling of one and your appearance is completely looked like a human so I forgot about that. I better be careful in the negotiation."

She muttered.

Oi, you don't have to say it loudly, don't you?

I thought.

"When, let's get back to the main topic. The barrier weakening can be said as half-done. The next problem is the next move we need to take."

I said.

"Ah, yes."

She answered obediently.

"As per my groups' decision, I plan to increase the population of my camp while increasing the number of talented people."

I said.

"Ah, you mean you're going to spend your time proliferating for some time, is it? Well, we don't mind but isn't the human race's growth rate quite slow? If I'm not mistaken it took 15 years to reach adulthood."

She said.

"Well, what I mean to increase our population doesn't mean that way though."

I refuted.

"Eh? Does the human capable of reproducing without a sexual one?"

She was surprised. She had greatly misunderstood my words.

"That's not what I mean as increasing the population. You see... As a Demon Lord, I was blessed with the ability to summon my subordinates and strengthen them. The Gluttony probably have a similar ability so that's the reason why he had an unlimited army."

I explained.

"You can summon and strengthen them? Then, you're going to use your subordinates to protect the humans in the camp right?"

She concluded.

"Well, that's half correct. I will summon new subordinates but the strengthening is also applied to the survivor camp. Well, there might be some side effects later but basically, I can make them stronger with my ability."

I added.

"You can use that ability on anyone?"

She asked. There was a sign of expectation in her eyes.

"More or less, I can do that. But, receiving strengthening from my ability doesn't mean there won't be any consequences. First, there might be a side effect. Second, it's akin to making a contract with me so by any chance you betrayed us and stab our back, I can't guarantee that you will be unscathed at that moment."

I explained.

"How effective strengthening will be?"

She asked. I could imagine her eyes were blinking some stars from her expectation.

"Depends on the individuals' effort and the rank within the chart I think? Well, as for an example probably it can turn an ordinary horse into something like an A-Class Magic Beast."

I said. I boldly stated that with Sora as a standard. Well, I didn't lie that Sora was an ordinary horse though. But, didn't that guy came out from gacha too? Could he be used as a standard?

"Is that true?"

She asked excitedly.

"Well, the change varied for every person though."

I added.

"I didn't know that a demon lord can be quite handy in some aspect."

She commented.

"Handy is it? Well, technically we demon lords might be able to be said as a living cheat character besides the heroes. If you're a member of a hero party you will gain some power-ups too after all."

I explained.

"Is that so?!! Then, if I were given powers by both, won't I be invincible?!!"

She asked excitedly. At this point, I kind of worried about her attitude. Somehow, she had a tendency of someone who was hungry for power. These kind of people kind of easy to manipulate but they were also like a timed bomb that could explode anytime.

"Well, that depends. There are limitation for heroes' growth buff. And Demon Lord's power might not be able to mix well with the hero's power."

I added.

"Che, there are limitations huh? I thought it was limitless."

She clicked her tongue in disappointment. 

"Sorry about that, we're not omnipotent Gods you know."

I retorted. This girl was kind of annoying in some sense. The Lady was also someone who acted first before thinking and this little fairy I met before was also had some screw loose inside her head. I guess being annoying is one of the fairy tribe's quality. I need to write it in my mental note to never take a word of a fairy tribe fully knowing their peculiar traits.

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