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Look. It's currently February of 2020 and I think it's time a feel the need to warn you guys that this story is old, and could 100% be written better, but to be honest, I don't want to rewrite it or edit it. This story has plot holes, and generally doesn't make sense most of the time, so I hope you can see past that and just enjoy the story, because I don't want to delete it. Thanks 💛

A/N: Hi! I'd just like to firstly preface the fact that yes, you are apart of the TGWDLM cast, but so is everyone else, so technically that messes up the musical, since there's an extra cast member. Although, I won't go into detail with the musical itself, so it shouldn't matter too much. Enjoy the story!

"What? No way! Thanks so much! No- no of course. I'll see you on Wednesday then. Thanks again! Bu-bye!"

A huge grin plasters on my face before I scream into my pillow that's beside me. I didn't actually expect to get the part, I just auditioned and hoped for the best. Starkid had always been apart of my childhood. AVPM came out when I was 15, so my high school friends were the ones to introduce me to it. I was never a hardcore fan, I had just seen bits and pieces of it, and listened to a couple songs here and there. Back in 2013 I was offered a job in stage management for Starkid's production Twisted and I was beyond honoured. It was like a dream come true, to be apart of a team so friendly and close knit. 3 years later, I was asked to come back to help out with Firebringer because I was- and I quote- "an awesome, hardworking crew member that they would be honoured to have come back again". I was also offered small roles in that too. So naturally, I was thrilled and pounced at the opportunity. I'm not the strongest actor, and I know that. I'm better in the stage management field. But this year, when Starkid called me back to join their new production The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals I thought I might as well give myself a challenge and try something new. And what do you know. Here I am. Landing a role as one of the main characters in the musical.

"Yes! I'm serious! No- no don't cry. Stop it. Mom. I've been in a musical before. No- I didn't win the lottery. Yes of course I'm happy! I'm thrilled, even. Of course you all can come watch. It doesn't open for another like 3 months, you realise that right? Alright, alright. Ok mom, I have to go now. Bye, love you,"

The line goes dead. I sigh, before another smile creeps upon my face. This is awesome. Surreal. I sit down at my desk, opening my laptop. The bright screen flashes as I type in my password. A notification pops up in the corner of my screen. An email from team Starkid. Without hesitation, I open it up to find the digital script for the musical. The file came with a comment:

You'll all receive a hardcopy of this script when we all meet on Wednesday. I can't wait to see you all then.

Nick L

I have quite a few lines. I honestly have no idea how I'm going to memorise all of these. Thankfully I have another 3 months to perfect them before the premiere. I recognise a few names in the cast. Of course, my good friends Jaime and Lauren, were thankfully in the cast so I wouldn't be a lone wolf. I recognise Jeff, from the other musicals. Joey rang a bell too. I close the email and check the time. 10:30pm. Time to get to bed. I closed my laptop.

I can't get rid of the jitters this morning. I don't know why I'm so nervous this time. I mean, I've been apart of other musicals before. I've even played a few roles in one of them, but I guess this is different. More significant? More people? I stop by a Starbucks on the way to the first rehearsal. I swing open a door and recognise a familiar face. I swear I've seen him somewhere before. I shake off the feeling and step in the line to order my coffee. There was quite a loud bang which made me instantly turn to see what had happened. "I'm so so sorry. Oh my goodness, I'm sorry!" A deep Australian voice says helping a young girl of perhaps 16 to her feet. "I didn't mean to hit you," He mutters blushing profusely.

"It's alright," the girl says chuckling. She thanks him for helping her up, and the man exits the building.


I get back in my car, the warm coffee warming my almost frozen hands. It's like, 7 in the morning, and quite cold. I walk into the building and spot Jaime across the room. I run over to her and hug her. "Oh my gosh, Y/N! I missed you!" Jaime says to me hugging me back.

"I know right, It's been too long." I reply. "Where's Lauren?"

"Late like usual. Stuck in traffic, won't be here for another twenty minutes,"

"Oh that's ok,"

"Have you met any of the other cast members yet? You can meet them before we start," She explains.

"Nah, I haven't met anyone, that would be great," I reply.

"Oi Jeff, Joey, Corey get over here," Jaime calls over. Three guys walk over.

"Oh yeah, I recognise them. I worked with Jeff in Twisted a bit, and I met Joey during Firebringer. I don't know Corey though,"

"Y/N right? How have you been?" Joey says shaking my hand, even though we've already met before.

"Good, yeah, I've been good." I reply and we talk for a bit.

"That's Jon and Mariah. They're both new to the cast, like you,"

"Oh cool," I answer, walking up to them. "Hey guys, I'm Y/N," I say sticking my hand out to shake their hands. They take it, shaking my hand; Jon first, then Mariah. "I'm also new to the cast, but I've been apart of Team Starkid in like stage management and stuff,"

"That's awesome! I can't wait to work with you!" Mariah says smiling.

"Yeah, me too," Jon says. I wave and turn back to Jaime.

"They're nice,"

"They are, aren't they," Jaime responds. "Now all we're waiting for is Lauren and Robert,"

As if on queue, a man stumbles through the door. "Hi, sorry am I late? I got lost on the way here" He says. With that same Australian accent as the guy at Starbucks. The same guy that looked extremely familiar.

"No, not at all," Jaime says welcoming him. "That's Robert. Robert Manion," she says turning to me again.

"It all makes sense," I mumble under my breath.

"What was that?" Jaime asks, obviously hearing it.

"Oh, nothing don't worry," I walk up to Robert to introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Y/N. New to the cast,"

"Hi," He replies grinning.

"Rough morning huh?"


"At Starbucks? I was in line," I say giggling.

"Oh shit, you saw that? What a great first impression," He says blushing and looking down.

"Don't sweat it. It'll make a funny story in the future," I say pushing his shoulder jokingly.

"You're right," He says smiling. It was a gorgeous smile too.

"You'll find I usually am," I say cheekily.

He looks up at me and smiles. I smile back.

3rd October 2019
WC- 1188

Robert Manion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now