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I tap my foot on the ground outside of the studio. Aliyah should be here by now. But I'm also nervous because I'm auditioning for Mariah's part today- Lex Foster.

"Hey, Y/N, Aliyah here yet?" Nick calls from inside.

"No," I say disappointedly. I check my phone for the hundredth time that morning. I texted her 5 times, but didn't want to do it any more than that, in case it was serious, or bothering her. Maybe she didn't want to audition after all.

"Well we can do your audition then," Nick says. Usually, auditions are recorded, but since it was easier for Aliyah to do it in person, I said I might as well do it that way too. But now she isn't here.

"You'll do great, I promise," Robert puts his hand on my back, sensing my nerves.

"Thanks," I say, looking up at him.

He kisses me on the forehead, before I walk into the studio. Robert stays outside waiting to see if Aliyah ends up showing.

I walk out of the auditions, quite proud of myself. I think I did pretty well, and I'm fairly confident. But we'll see what happens. I definitely wouldn't be able to do better than Mariah, but I think I could somewhat match up.

"How'd it go?" Rob stands up hugging me. I feel like I haven't hug him in ages. His embrace is so comforting, I clutch to him.

"Pretty well, actually," I reply.

'That's amazing, beautiful," He says, using his common nickname for me, making me smile.

"So I assume Aliyah didn't end up coming?" I ask sighing.

"Nope, sorry Y/N," He looks down.

"I'm kind of worried," I say kicking at the ground.

"I'm sure everything's ok. Maybe she just changed her mind, that's all,"

"You're probably right," I nod. "Let's get ice cream," I suggest. He agrees even though it's chilly out. But how can you say no to ice cream?

We step in, and I immediately begin to shiver. It's freezing in here. I end up picking chocolate chip cookie dough and peanut butter. The worker hands up our ice cream, and our change, before we walk out, juggling all of our things. We get in the car, and Rob drives basically one handed, back home.

I get a text. I fumble for my phone in hopes that it's Aliyah. It's just Mariah.

Mariah: How'd the audition go? :)

Me: Pretty good! I'm feeling fairly confident!

Mariah: Wow, that's amazing! You'd be an awesome Lex!

Me: Love you! Have fun at the Mean Girls Rehearsals!

Mariah: Thank you! Love you too <3

I sigh and close my phone. I miss Mariah. She started rehearsals for mean girls a few weeks ago, and I haven't seen her since. And since she'll be on tour, I won't be able to see her as often.

I collapse on the couch, and just stare at the ceiling.

"Hey, she's ok," Robert comes, sitting next to me. He starts playing with my hair.

"How can you always read my mind?" I chuckle.

"It's my sixth sense," He smiles, looking down at me.

"Should I be scared?" I ask, grinning.

"Very," He smiles back, before we both burst into laughter.

"Do you think she'll text me?" I ask.

"I'm sure she will. There'll be nothing to worry about," He assures me.

"I hope so," I exhale sharply.

"Me too," He agrees. He pauses. "Mariah and I are recording Seventeen later today," He grins.

My eyes light up. "Do I get to see Mariah?" I ask.

"Of course!" He chuckles.

"Well I can't wait to hear it. You guys are gonna sound amazing," I nod.

"You know, I'm glad you and Mariah are really close now," He tells me.

"Me too. I'm happy we forgave and forgot," I admit. "I can't think of anyone more similar to me," I laugh.

"That's completely true. You both love Mario- especially Mario Kart. Somehow, you both love Ratatouille-"

"It's the best pixar movie ever created!" I exclaim, widening my eyes.

Robert laughs in response. "You, Mariah and and Paul are basically the power trio," He realises.

"That needs to happen," I chuckle.

"The ultimate mean girls," Robert says, causing us to die of laughter.

We seperate into our own rooms until we have to go to the recording studio for Seventeen.

"Mariah!" I squeal, hugging Mariah when I see her. I haven't see her since Homecoming, which was at least a month ago.

"Y/N!" She screams back, wrapping her arms around me.

"How have you been?" I ask.

"Really good. Mean girls has been a blast," She exclaims. We talk for a bit, before I leave Mariah and Robert to record it. I sit in the other room, but I can't hear them, unfortunately. I get a text.

I scramble to check it. It's from Aliyah.

A/N Ok so I got the time line a bit wrong. Robert went to New York after he recorded Seventeen but it's alright, it doesn't really change anything.

Also, I don't mean to disrespect Angela or Kendall by replacing them with my characters in this book. They both did phenomenal in Black Friday! I wouldn't replace them if I could! If you want, you can imagine Aliyah as Kendall! 

7th November 2019
WC: 882

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