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"Happy One Month Beautiful," I hear a familiar voice say as arms wrap around my waist from behind. Rob rests his chin on my shoulder.

"Aw, you remembered," I say smiling.

"Of course I remembered," He says kissing my cheek.

"Are you ready to go?" I say turning around.

"I sure am," He replies. We walk to the car and drive to rehearsals. Dance practice, in fact, has gotten easier. It's easier to pick up choreography. Maybe because Robert is like my personal helper when it comes to dance. We do one hour of dance practice, and then we run through lines. Robert went to Joey and Lauren to go over lines, so I sat with Jaime and Jon going through our lines.

I'm beyond excited for this musical. It seems like so much fun, and rehearsals are already really fun. Opening night is in 2 months, and my entire family is coming to watch me. We get to try on our costumes in a few weeks, we also have to record the songs professionally. We need to do full run throughs both with and without props. It's all pretty stressful, but for the most part a good kind of stress. I've been working on my lines recently, and I think I have most of them down pretty well. There are just a few that I struggle with; mainly because they're small monologues that I have to remember at one time.

Practice finishes and I hug Lauren and Jaime as I walk out with Robert. We get home and sit on the couch. I scroll through my phone, looking at some fan posts and things like that.

"Did you know that I've never actually fully watched Twisted after it came out," I say not looking away from my phone.

"What??" Robert says looking at me in disbelief.

"It was all kind of a blur, and then I just never got a chance to watch it," I say now looking back at Robert.

"Well then, I guess that's what we're doing," Rob replies getting up to put Twisted on the TV.

It begins with Meredith in the opening and all of the memories of being backstage, flustered, stressed yet excited trying to make sure everything works properly comes back to me, and I smile. Dylan comes out on the stage singing the beginning of Dream a Little Harder.

"And all the grateful citizens will say to me," He sings.

"Fuck you!" Robert and I say at the same time, followed by us dying of laughter. Robert walks out on stage making me smile.

"Oh my gosh I remember those bread sticks. They were a pain in the ass to make," I say cringing.

"Why don't we have enough to eat?" Robert sings, the camera zooming in on him. I look over at Rob, who digs his face into his hands, as he blushes profusely.

"Stop it! You're so cute!" I tell him pushing his shoulder.

"Oh my gosh Lauren is such a good singer," I comment as she sings her line.

Throughout the entire show I can't help but constantly comment on how cute Robert is.

"Oh lord, I remember at one part of this specific show, Jeff had trouble with his costume backstage and I had to help him out, along with 2 other stage managers," I explain laughing.

During A thousand and one nights Robert and I sing our hearts out because it's basically the best song ever. We get up and Robert spins me around, me laughing as I attempt to continue singing. "One thousand and one night with you, is not enough to spend. So let's make ours a story with no end," we sing, looking into each others eyes. I can't help but smile. How did I get so lucky.

We reach the Achmed scene and I see Robert shift in his seat uncomfortably. I laugh at his discomfort.

"This is the most iconic scene Robert, everyone loves it!" I tell him. We die of laughter, watching the scene, and how good Joe Walker did during it.

By 5pm, Twisted is finished. "Alright I'm done torturing you," I say laughing.

"Thank God," He says sighing.

"This was your idea," I reply rolling my eyes.

"You're the one who's never actually seen Twisted before,"

"Oh whatever," I say chuckling. "It was a good trip down memory lane," I say.

"Yeah," He agrees. "Want to order takeout?" He asks me.

"Sure, I'm really not bothered to cook,"

"Me neither," He replies, and with that, takeout is ordered.

As we sit at the table eating a start a random conversation.

"I was thinking of making my own personal YouTube channel," I say.

"Oh yeah? What would you do on it?" Rob asks me.

"Probably just sing. And perhaps a few Q and As because I know a lot of people like those," I reply.

"That's a good idea," He says.

"You have one don't you,"

"Yeah, I don't really use it anymore though,"

"Oh. Ok,"

After dinner I sit down the living room. "Hey Rob, I'm filming a short singing thing for my Instagram, want to be in it?"

"Sure, what do you want me to do," He replies walking into the room.

"I don't know, just be entertaining I guess," I reply smiling to him.

"Sounds easy enough to me," He says.

I put my phone in front of me, and my laptop next to it for the lyrics. I end up singing What Baking Can Do from Waitress because I'm obsessed with that musical. In the camera I can see Rob dancing behind me and I try my best to stop myself from laughing. I finish the video and post it.

Robert's POV

After I help Y/N with her Instagram video, I go to my room and check my phone. 1 missed call from Mariah. I decide to call her back, even though I'm still mad at her from what happened a few weeks ago.

"Hi," I say when she picks up.

"Hey Robert. I called you to apologise for what I did that one time. I'm so sorry, I didn't even realise what had happened. I guess I had something to drink before rehearsals. My boyfriend broke up with me the day before. I was stressed, and upset, and not in a good place. I hope you can forgive me. It won't happen again. I just hope we can be friends or something. You and Y/N are really cute together, and I really didn't mean to screw anything up," She explains crying into the phone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mariah I didn't know. I am mad at you for what you did, it was totally uncool, but I forgive you. You can always come to me if you have anything you want to talk about ok?"

"Thank you. I'm sorry again,"

"It's ok. Take care," I say, and then hang up. I exhale sharply and then walk into Y/N's room.

"Hey, Y/N," I say in the doorway.

"Hi," she replies with a smile.

"I just got a call from Mariah," I start.

"What did she want?" She snaps, anger in her voice.

"Hey, hey, calm down. She just explained to me that she wasn't in a good place when she did what she did. Her boyfriend broke up with her, she was sad and stressed and I guess had something to drink. I just thought I'd let you know so you aren't mad at her,"

"Oh. I didn't know. Now I feel bad,"

"I know, I didn't know either. I told her she can come to me to talk about anything when she needs to,"

"Yeah, ok," She responds and I leave the room.

6th October 2019
WC: 1247

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