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I stare up at the shiny cover, of the book in my arms. I don't think I can smile any larger. This was my dream. To get a book published professionally. I couldn't be happier. I run my finger over the cover, turning it to the first page. The pages were fresh and new. It was the first book to be published, meaning it was going to go on sale in a few weeks time.

I thank the company that published my book before rushing home. Not once wiping the smile off my face. I swing open the door and Rob is on the couch.

"It's here!" I squeal.

"What's here?" He asks me.

"The thing I've been working on," This catches his attention.

"Let me see!" He exclaims. I take the book from behind my back and show him the cover. "You wrote a book?" He says in disbelief. I nod eagerly. "How did I never know about this?" He asked me, with wide eyes.

"I'm just good at keeping secrets" I grin.

"Let me read it!" He says excitedly holding his arm out.

I hand him the book and put my hands behind my back. He turns the book to the back and reads the blurb. I try to read his face to see what he's thinking. It's too difficult to tell.

"This sounds super interesting!" He smiles. "I can't wait to read it!"

"Really! Thank you!" I say. "I get a bunch of copies to hand out tomorrow. I'm gonna give them to some of the cast, some to my family and some to other friends. I have to give one to Alex. He was the main inspiration for this,"

"Cool," He smiles at me.

"I love you," I laugh. He blushes looking away. I walk into my room and put my book on my bedside table. I look at it exhaling proudly, with my hands on my hips. I'm obsessed.

I go back into the living room to see Robert refreshing his laptop constantly.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"The casting's supposed to be up soon," He replies not taking his eyes off the screen.

"For Black Friday?"

"Yeah," He confirms. "It's loaded!" He exclaims.

I sit next to him as he sees his characters. He smiles proudly. "Cool,"

"That's awesome," I say high fiving him.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Y/N? The mail's here!" Robert calls. I rush to the front door, signing the package. I thank the mailman, taking the box to my room. I open it eagerly to see multiple copies of the book I'm proud of. I quickly scribble a note, and stick it on one of the books. I hand it to Robert.

"This is your copy" I tell him.

"Thanks! I can't wait to read it!" He says hugging me.

I go back into my room and rummage through some storage to try and find the cute packaging boxes I found a few days ago to give to everyone. I wrap a piece of ribbon around a book and slide a note in the ribbon. I place the copy of the book in the small, black box with patterns on it. It looks gorgeous. I do the same for the other 10 copies that I have. I quickly invite Lauren, Jaime, Mariah, Jon and Nick to my house and they all arrive within half an hour.

"Ok, I have a surprise for you," I say smiling.

"Ooh, I love surprises," Mariah says shuffling in her seat. I hand Lauren hers first.

"Don't open it yet," I warn her. I then hand Nick his, then Mariah, then Jaime, then Jon. "Ok open," I say. They all lift the lid off.

"What's this?" Jaime asks surprised.

"Woah, Y/N," Jon says holding up the book. "This has your name on it,"

"Nice spotting," I say, still smiling.

"No way!" Nick says hugging me. "Congratulations! How long have you been working on this for?"

"I started working on it in my spare time while we were rehearsing for TGWDLM, but I actually started writing it once we finished the show. I just got it published like, yesterday," I explain.

"That's awesome Y/N!" Lauren says hugging me.

"I can't wait to read it!" Mariah exclaims.

"Thank you!" I reply. "That's the only reason I wanted you here," I laugh. They don't stay for much longer, so Rob and I are left alone again. I quickly make a trip to the post office, to send packages down to my family scattered across the country, and my friends who are busy, and I'm really not bothered to go to them, or invite them over.

"I'm proud of you," Robert says when I get home.

"Thank you," I chuckle. "Sorry I never told you," I say shrugging.

"That's totally ok! It was better as a surprise. I read it, by the way,"

"Oh yeah? What did you think?" I ask getting nervous. He pauses for a second.

"I loved it, a lot," He says.


"Of course! You're so talented, Y/N"

"Thank you," I blush. He tucks some hair behind my ear, and kisses me on the forehead.

"You're welcome,"

A/N Ok, I've basically decided on my own that this book isn't going to be completely ongoing forever, it'll probably stop sometime after Black Friday (in the story).

This also means that there'll be a point in time where there won't be any updates for a while, because I won't be able to recount what happens until I actually see Black Friday, and that's when it comes out on YouTube.

{You guys should go check out my other, new book The Guy Who Created The Musical}

24th October 2019
WC: 923

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