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We sat in silence at I took a bite out of my burger.

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" He asks me with his mouth full.


"You know, where do you see yourself?" He shrugs.

"Um. I don't know to be honest. I guess I'm kind of just living in the moment, I've never actually thought about it," I look down, thinking. It's silent again. "I'd probably be a writer. Or a producer for a show, I think being a stage manager and being in a show has really made me want to like, create a show or something. I guess I could always mix the two, be a show writer. Use both of my only talents," I chuckle lightly.

"That's cool, I totally see you doing that," Rob nods, stealing the tomatoes I had discarded on my plate.

"How old would I be? 34? I'd probably be married, hopefully to you," I laugh. "No pressure or anything. Maybe I'd have a kid, or even two, who knows. Um, I'd get a dog. A small one, but not too small. I'd move out of here, that's for sure. It's too small, it couldn't even fit us, plus my brother. But even if I did become a show writer or producer, I'd want to release more books, because I love writing," I ramble on, using my hands to talk. Robert just listens. "What about you? Where do you see yourself?"

"I'd probably go on to do bigger shows, maybe even become like, a choreographer for one, I'm not sure. I plan to get married by 36, that's for sure," He grins. "Most definitely to you," He adds. I smile. "I've never really thought about kids, but my sister's got kids, and I adore them, so yeah I guess I want kids," He ponders.

"How much longer do you plan to stay with Starkid?" I ask.

"Honestly? Probably not much longer, but I really love it there, so definitely a couple years more," Robert replies.

"Well, I think I'd like to stay for as long as I can, because I could then start writing shows if they let me and stuff, if that's what I want to pursue. But if I just want to become a book writer, I'd say not for very much longer. It really just depends. But Starkid is family, so it's be hard to leave them,"

"I agree, I've grown to love them all so much, so it'd be difficult to leave,"

I nod, sighing. "The future is just too scary," I shiver.

"You're right,"

"I mean, it's just so unpredictable," I say.

"Whatever happens, I hope to be by your side, always," He looks at me. There's sauce on his face, and I can't help but to laugh.

"What?" He asks, concerned.

"You've got, sauce, on your face," I barely get out. He turns red, wiping it off.

"You're too sweet though," I say, finally gaining some composure. "And I agree with you. A future will always seem bright as long as you're there,"

"We're so cheesy," he laughs standing up to put his plate in the sink. He grabs my empty one and put it away as well. I put the rubbish in the bin and put everything away before sitting on the couch.

Minutes later, a pillow is thrown at my face, causing my phone to fall out of my hands. I look up and see Rob with another pillow ready to hit me.

"You're so annoying," I laugh, standing up. He stands up, chasing me with a pillow until I get one of my own. We chase each other around, laughing hysterically. He grabs me in a hug, picking me up and swinging me around, which makes me squeal. I try to kick free, laughing as I do so before he puts me down.

He puts his hands on my waist as I attempt to breathe steadily again. He looks me in my eyes, using one of his hands to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. He laughed into the kiss, making me smile.

I feel a vibration in my pocket. I pull away from the kiss, looking at him. He's eyes are glowing. I take my phone out from my pocket. It's a text from Nick.

Nick: Hey, Y/N. I was wondering if you would be willing to replace Mariah's spot in Black Friday since Mariah won't be able to do it, due to her Mean Girls tour. It's totally ok if you say no, it would be just as cool having you here as a stage manager. But yeah, get back to me whenever you can, because if you don't want to, we'll have to hold an audition for it.

I look at my phone, before looking up at Rob.

"What is it?" He asks, looking at my phone.

"Nick wants me to play Mariah's role, since she can't," I say, staring at the cars driving by through the window.

"Well what are you going to do?" Rob asks me.


A/N Hi I updated a bit earlier than usual because I'm not writing at midnight, woah

Also Happy Halloween for yesterday
(i can't wait to watch it on the digital ticket, I'm getting it as soon as it comes out)

1st November 2019
WC: 904

Robert Manion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now