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"Oh my gosh congratulations!" I squeal squeezing Mariah in a hug. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you! I'm so excited!" She exclaims excitedly. Mariah just announced that she got casted as Regina on the Mean Girls tour.

"Wait, so what about Black Friday?" I ask.

"Yeah, uh, about that. I don't think I'll be able to do it," She shrugs, blushing.

"So they'll just have to find a replacement,"

"Yeah, I suppose so,"

"I'm just so proud of you!" I repeat, hugging her again.

We talk for a bit longer before we have to start mic check and everything again for the second performance for homecoming. I walk up to Nick.

"Need any help today?" I ask putting my hands on my hips.

"That would be great, actually," Nick said handing me a few things and then pointing to the issue.

"No one's been able to get it, so if you can't that's totally ok," He says. I nod and go sort the issue out. I struggle, but get it in the end.

"Wow, thanks Y/N!" Nick says surprised.

"No problem! Always here to help!" I grin in response.

I go meet up with everyone backstage as everyone's doing vocal and body warmups. It's chaos, everyone making so much noise and moving around. Soon, the backers start to come, so we do some quick rehearsals and run throughs.

We're told to get ready, because it's about to start, and excited chatter is heard throughout the theatre.

The show is unreal, just like yesterday. I couldn't be happier. Being apart of this amazing group of people that are just so nice. I smile as we walk offstage. I immediately run to grab some water. I take a few sips before squatting down to check my phone. It's 7pm. I'm starving, but we still have another show at 9.

Pizza comes for dinner and it's a stampede. First in, best dressed I guess. I take a few slices and sit on one of the seats next to Lauren and Denise. We talk about some things while we eat, mostly about a few slip ups on stage, but how amazing the experience is. I then move to sit with Rachael and Tiffany. We take a few photos and videos to post, before we're called to the stage.

The new backers are here. Once again, repeating what we had done earlier in the day, we rehearse some things and run through others.

The time hits 9pm and the next show starts.

Blah blah, you know how it goes.

The drive home, you would expect to be exhausted, but everyone (Robert, Mariah, Jon, Lauren and I) were hyped up at 11pm. We all decided to carpool and then just depart our own ways at the end, but seeming as we're hyper and not tired, we just decide to hang out at my house.

We have a few drinks, but not enough to get us drunk, just to fill in time. Mariah gets a bit tipsy, going crazy shit, but hey, that's just Mariah right? She runs around belting out songs that we sang today.

"Hey Mariah, in celebration of Regina you should sing a mean girls song!" Jon suggests. She gleefully agrees, scrambling for her phone to put a backing track on. Woozy and forgetting lyrics, Mariah sings World Burn, still effortlessly flawlessly.

"How was that so good?" Lauren says laughing taking a sip of her drink.

"That's illegal, what the fuck?" I say shaking my head. "I can't even sing like that when I haven't had anything to drink"

She just laughs in response, fixing her hair.

Everyone leaves at around 1am, when we finally got exhausted enough to depart ways. Once Lauren (the last one to leave) left, I immediately threw on a sweatshirt and shorts and got in bed, not bothering to wipe off the makeup I had on. I hear the door creak open.

"Hey beautiful," Robert croaks.

"You haven't called me that in a while," I smile, appreciating the nickname.

"You're still beautiful either way," He chuckles.

"Your voice is different," I state.

"I lost it after the past few days," He shrugged.

"It's hot," I laugh, as he blushes.

"Thanks?" He says, but it's more of a question.

"Your voice is hot either way. Anyway, it's late, we should get to bed," I say pulling the sheets over my head.

"Ok, I love you,"

"I love you too," I say, but it's muffled in the blankets.

"Goodnight," He laughs, turning off the light and shutting the door.

A/N Short chapter because it's late but I wanted to post something!

29th October 2019
WC: 77

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