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I stare at my phone in disbelief. I knew it. I got attached too quickly. Just like always. I have to stop trusting people right away. How could I be so stupid? Tears sting my eyes as I get out of my bed. I put my empty cup of tea in the sink and get dressed into something different, just waiting for Robert to come home. I hear the garage open and I feel my jaw clench and tears sting my eyes again. He walks through the door, his smiling self like usual.

"Sweetheart? What's wrong,"

"You know goddamn well what's wrong," I whisper looking him in the eyes.

"Talk to me. What happened?" He says coming closer. I take a step back.

"I knew I wasn't good enough for you," I begin, a tear streaming down my cheek.

"I don't know what you're talking about," He said softly.

"Yes. You do. Please, if you don't mind, explain what this is," I say my voice getting louder. I shove my phone in his face and he just stares at it.

"Where did you get this,"

"Doesn't matter where I got it. It happened," I say. He doesn't say anything. "No explanation. Well that's just great," I say through clenched teeth trying not to get too mad. "I'll be at Lauren's," I tell him.

"Wait, Y/N"

"I've felt like shit all day," I say closing my eyes. "How nice of you to top of it off like this. Clearly you don't want to spend time with me because I'm not good enough for you, so you have to run away with someone else,"

"You know what? Maybe I don't want to spend time with you," He says almost yelling, making me flinch. "Maybe I want to spend time with people that actually listen to me,"

And with that, tears streaming down my face, I grab my keys and walk out, slamming the door behind me. I would've at least expected some sort of explanation. And then for him to say he doesn't want to spend time with me? That hurt. I turn on the car, take a deep breath and drive to Laurens.

She opens the door and she immediately wraps me in hug. I just cry. For the most part I don't even know why I'm crying, but I am. She doesn't say anything, she just hugs me. We walk over to the living room and she allows me to explain what happened. She's also taken back by what he said. She holds my hand understandingly.

"You know, maybe there is an explanation,"

"Then why didn't he say it?" I ask her.

"I'm not sure," she says softly. "But keep an open mind. You'll be ok, I promise,"

"Thanks. Am I being overdramatic? I feel like I'm crying over nothing," I say wiping my eyes.

"Overdramatic? Honey this is your boyfriend we're talking about. He kissed someone else. Anyone in your shoes would be feeling this way," She says smiling at me.

"Thanks Lauren,"

We change the topic as she braids my hair. We sing songs, watch videos, anything to get my mind off Robert.

Robert's POV

Me: Jon, I need you to come over right now

Jon: Of course, I'll be there in a sec

As promised, Jon is at the door in less than five minutes. I let him in and I explain everything to him, a few tears leaving my eyes as I do so.

"I didn't mean to not give her an explanation," I tell him. "I was scared,"

"Scared of what, Rob," he says looking at me.

"Scared she wouldn't believe me. But even if she didn't believe me, it would've ended in this same result, right," I say sighing.

"I'm going to tell you what I'm sure you're expecting: you have to talk to her. And I know that might be difficult right now, but I'm sure she loves you, and you love her, she just needs to hear you say it,"

"Yeah, ok," I say taking a deep breath.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asks.

"That would be great," I reply. "Can we wait a bit though. Maybe for her to cool off,"


"And for me to prepare,"

"Alright," he says laughing softly.

5th Oct 2019
WC: 719

Robert Manion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now