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I wake up way earlier than I need to. It's still dark outside, that's how dark it is. I sit up, eyes wide open. I immediately get a queasy feeling in my stomach and I forget to breathe. It's opening night today. I get out of bed and check the time. It's 5:28am. Well I definitely won't be getting to sleep anytime soon. Our call time is at 3pm so that we can prepare everything we need in time for 8pm. I hear a cough from the other room. Robert's awake too. I don't go out to see him; I look like a mess, and I need time alone to freak out.

I pace my room, walking back and forth, trying not to throw up. I need to breathe. I'll be fine.

I put on a sweatshirt and jeans, and then pack everything I'll need for the show tonight. It's 6 hours too early, but I have to do something before I explode.

I eventually hear a knock at my door. It's Robert. I tell him he can come in and he bursts through the door with his head in his hands. "I forgot what breathing is," He says.

"Don't look at me, I don't know what it is either," I shrug.

"You woke up early too?" He asks, panicked.

"Well I am here at 6am aren't I," I point out, putting my hand to my chest to find that my heart is beating abnormally fast.

"I'm stressed," He states walking around.

"Hey, Rob, we'll be ok," I tell him.

"You may be, but I won't!" He exclaims. As he's pacing the room I grab his arm so that he turns to face me.

"Look at me, babe. I love you, you'll be ok. You've nailed it, everyday leading up to today. It won't be any different," I assure him, kissing him.

He doesn't reply, and instead sits down to recollect himself.

"I'll go make some breakfast," I say skipping out of my room, leaving Robert in my room.

He eventually comes out, thanking me for what I said. "I overreacted," he apologies.

"I understand, we're all stressed, it's opening night. But hey, this is what we've worked so hard for. And it will be beyond fun, I can't wait," I tell him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right,"

"I told you I'm usually right," I nudge him on the shoulder. He rolls his eyes. "I can't wait to meet people. I hope we get to go meet people," I sigh.

"Nick said we might be able to," Robert replies.

"That would be sick," I exclaim.

There's a random knock on the door.

"Were you expecting someone?" I ask, looking at Robert. He shakes his head. I open the door and Lauren and Mariah stumble through the door.

"I wasn't expecting you guys," I say. "You both woke up early like us?" I ask.

"Yup," Lauren says taking a seat next to Robert.

"What's for breakfast?" Mariah asks leaning against the bench.

"Well, I wasn't expecting guests, but I guess I can make some waffles for you guys too," I say rolling my eyes playfully.

"Sounds good," Mariah says hungrily.

"How are we feeling ladies and gentlemen," I say pouring ingredients into a bowl.




All were said at the same time, so I don't quite know who said what. "Same," I reply.

We all collectively stress as I make the waffles. I grab topping from the fridge and set them down in front of us. Everyone takes a few and we scoff them down. I stack the plates and place them in the sink.

"Coffee? Anyone?" I ask. Lauren accepts the offer. We sit on the couch. I exhale sharply.

"Does anyone wanna go do something before we have to get to rehearsals?" I ask. They all stop to think for a second.

"What can we do?" Mariah asks.

'I don't know, why don't we quickly go shopping or something?" I suggest.

"Yeah, that could be fun," Lauren replies.

"Wanna tag along?" I ask Robert.

"Oh, I'm invited!" He says surprised.

"Of course you're invited," Mariah says. We all stand up, Robert offering to drive us, and go to the mall.

We step inside and a cool waft of air hits my face. It's empty, since it's only just opened. We walk around, going to different shops and instead of buying anything, we just try on stuff like cute jackets, hats and sunglasses and take cool photos, posting them on our story.

"Look over here, Y/N," Mariah says laughing. I turn around, with a stack of hats on my head and my a peace sign in front of my face.

"Model material over here," She says looking at the photo. Tagging me, she posts it. We grab something to drink and then head back to my place.

"We have half an hour, should we just carpool?" I offer. They agree and we take the car to the theatre, singing songs as we drive there.

A/N You should all go follow my Instagram because I'm cool. It's just starkidstuffiguess

15th October 2019
WC: 819

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