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The next morning I text Lauren.

Me: Hey, is everything ok after yesterday?

Lauren: Yeah, sorry for leaving abruptly

Me: That's ok, don't worry

Lauren: How was yesterday with Robert?

Me: Amazing

Lauren: Amazing huh? You'll have to tell me all about it then.

Me: We'll see

I close my phone and smile. Last night was amazing. I open Instagram and look through some of the comments on the post I posted last night.

Oh my gosh I ship it!

Are they dating?

Friendship goals!

Cutie pies!

I wonder if and when we'll tell everyone that we're together now. Especially the cast. I check my emails and see that the cast has been invited to a kickstarter for TGWDLM in 3 days. It'll go for around 16 hours which blows my mind. Hopefully I'll be able to stay for the whole thing but I honestly doubt it.

"Hey Rob?" I call. Robert walks into the room that I'm in.

"What's up beautiful?" He replies. The nickname makes me smile and blush at the same time.

"Did you get the email?"

"For the kickstarter?"


"Yeah I did. Sounds fun. Are you thinking of going?" He asks.

"Yeah, maybe not for the whole thing though. We'll see," I reply.

"Yeah, ok," He replies and leaves the room.

"Oh, Rob?" I call and he turns around again.


"I was thinking, since you don't really have anywhere to stay, I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me? Like permanently? Or even still temporarily, I don't mind,"

"Wait, really? I can stay here permanently?" He asks shocked.

"Yeah, it's just that I know you've had trouble finding somewhere to stay, and I enjoy your company a lot," I say blushing.

"Thank you so much!" He says swooping me into a hug.

"It's no worries, really," I say.

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

"Hey guys! We're live!" Nick begins and we all wave to the camera. I'm sitting next to Robert and Nick. Robert's on the right end of the couch, then it's me, then Nick, then Jeff. And then Jon and Lauren are behind us.

"We're here to begin a kickstarter for our new production "The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals" so that we can hopefully raise enough money for the show," He explains. "So guys, who's staying for the whole 16 hours?" Nick asks. Jon surprisingly sticks his hand up.

"I am, and I'm so ready," He says and we laugh.

"Rob and I might stay for all of it," I say and he nods.

"Cool!" Nick says. "Well I'll be here for all of it, and I refuse to get tired,"

We talk about the show and explain a few things to the livestream.

"Alright guys, we're now an hour into the livestream. We're gonna start answering some questions that are being asked in the chat," Nick says. "How many people are going to be in the cast?" He reads. He takes a moment to think before answering with "Nine".

"We'll announce everyone's roles at different stretch goals. The first one is at 2 thousand dollars," he says. He answers a few more questions, and we talk about most of them. Then Nick comes across a question: "Are Y/N and Robert dating?"

"Yeah guys, areeee youuuu?" Jeff says with his cheeks resting on both hands in curiosity. Rob and I look at each other for a quick moment, before Rob says.

"We are, actually,"

Everyone stands up and screams in disbelief.

"Wait really??" Lauren squeals. We both nod, smiling.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you guys!" Jon says hugging me, and then high fiving Rob.

"Guys, the chat is going crazy," Nick says laughing. "They all called it,"

"From that one post," Lauren says winking at me.

"Since when?" Jeff asks us.

"Literally the other day, on Thursday," I say.

"Are you kidding?" Nick says nudging me. I just smile in return. 

The rest of the livestream was talking about the roles we're playing in the musical, and talking about our new found relationship. By the 12 hour mark, I'm beyond tired. Who's left is Nick, Jon, Joey, Rob and I. It's 4am, and we have 4 hours left. We stayed up all night, but it was totally worth it. Rob and I swapped spots so that I could lie on his lap with my legs hanging off the edge of the couch again. I fought the urge to fall asleep as Rob played with my hair.

"You guys, the chat is going insane, you guys are too cute," Joey says looking at us. We just smile, and I look up at Rob.

"You guys are both Australian right?" Jon says.

"Yep," I reply.

"We should all try to talk in Australian accents and see who's the best," He says. They all agree. Jon ends up being the best, but Rob and I were almost dying of laughter when they all tried to talk in the accent, since they were so bad at it. I'm so glad there's someone who's also from Australia that I can relate to.

"Alright, thank you guys so much for joining us on this livestream. I can't believe we raised over 200 000 dollars in 12 hours. You guys are insane!" Nick says. We all say goodbye and we turn off the livestream. It's 8am in the morning, and we haven't slept all night.

"Roberrrrrt" I say drawing out the "r".


"I'm tireddddd," I say.


"Can you carry me?" I say, using puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, fine, ok," He says smiling. He gives me a piggy back ride to the car. He offers to drive since he's not as tired as me. We sit in comfortable silence on the way home. He carries me into the house, and we basically fall asleep on the bed then and there.

5th October 2019
WC: 992

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