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I haven't seen Robert as often now that he's started working at Universal. But I forgive him, it's what makes him happy. And although he seems to be locked in his room a lot, I know it's best just to give him some space. I sigh, taking a bowl of popcorn to the couch where Jon and Jeff sat. They basically invited themselves over, but I accepted it, since their company is always fun and interesting.

I sit the bowl down in front of us, before taking the remote to pick a movie. We sit there for fifteen minutes trying to pick a movie, causing us to almost finish the popcorn before the movie even started.

Although, the movie's pointless because we basically just talk throughout it, about stuff that isn't even related to the movie. Jeff decides he wanted to let me in on something he's been working on lately. It's a new Starkid show. It'll finally be released as a teaser sometime in the next few months so that it can be kickstarted and funded, which I think is pretty cool.

"So you're writing all of the songs?" I ask throwing a piece of popcorn in my mouth.

"There's gonna be like 20 or something," he replies doing the same.

"That's crazy," I say laughing.

"It is, but I like it a lot," He says.

"Well I can't wait for more information," I say. My phone buzzes, so I check my phone.

Robert: On my way home <3

Me: Ok, drive safe!

Robert's taken it upon himself to text me every time he's off schedule. Maybe it makes him feel better somehow. Either way, I like that he cares so much. I smile at my phone.

"Ooh is that the boyfriend?" Jon asks dragging out the boyfriend, nudging me to see the phone.

"Yes it is," I say jokingly nudging him back.

"Is everything going ok with you guys?" Jeff asks me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I ask concerned.

"Oh, random question," He said shrugging.

"Oh. Ok,"

"Do you want us to leave?" Jon asks, reading the message.

"No, that's ok, unless you want to, whatever you want," I say taking the empty bowl of popcorn into the kitchen. They stay put.

About twenty minutes later Robert arrives home. He greets the two boys, and joins us on the couch. I give him a hug and a kiss to welcome him, while Jeff and Jon gawk like teenage girls.

"Aren't you used to this by now?" I ask them.

"We honestly just do it to be annoying," Jon replies laughing. I roll my eyes at them jokingly.

"Well we're gonna head off now," Jeff says as they both get up. I thank them for coming (even though I didn't technically invite them) and they walk out.

"Are you willing to come shopping with me?" I ask him grinning.

"What for?" He asks.

"Christmas! We have to decorate the house! Trust me, I go full out," I say, earning a laugh from him. A precious, gorgeous, laugh.

"Ok, let's go," he says grabbing his keys. "We'll take my car, we can fit more decorations,"

We get to the mall and I basically run around like a child. The shops are filled with people, since there's only a week until Christmas, so everyone's doing their Christmas shopping now.

"Should we also just get presents out of the way?" I turn to him.

"We can share gifts, just so that we aren't both paying for gifts each," he suggests, and I nod. We run around the shopping centre, filling our arms with shopping bags. When we realise we literally can't hold anything else, we decide to call it a day. Smiling and laughing as we struggle with the bags, we get to the car, throwing all of the bags in.

On the way home we blast Christmas Carols, getting into the Christmas spirit, basically belting out every song that plays. It's moments like these that make everything worth it.

We stop by a Christmas tree shop, picking one up to take home. We fit it in the car somehow, with very minimal space to spare.

When we get home we collect all of the bags plus the tree and begin decorating. This time, blasting TGWDLM songs as we do so.

As I tape tinsel to the walls and staircase railings, I get an text from Nick. He's invited us to a TGWDLM get together on Christmas Eve, since it's also the day that TGWDLM goes out on YouTube. I reply saying that I'm free to go since I have no plans, and meet up with Rob who's in the other room. He's hanging lights and decorations around.

"Did you get the email?" I ask.


"So you're going?"


"Cool," I say smiling, and then walking out.

We stare up at our work. It took us all night, but it's finished. It's currently midnight, and we haven't eaten anything since lunch since we've been too busy with decorating. My stomach growls for the 50th time in an hour. We grab some leftovers from the fridge and eat them at the table. I look up at him while he eats making him extremely self conscious.

"What," He says quickly, touching his face to see if there's anything there.

"Nothing. Just admiring you," I say, making him blush.

"Stop, what is there to admire," he scoffs.

"Your face. I swear, everything about you is perfect,"

"Bullshit," He laughs.

"Don't say that. You're amazing. I love you,"

"And I love you too. But nothing and no one is better than you,"

"That's sweet," I reply with my mouth full. He smiles at me.

We finish dinner at around 1am, meaning we're probably never going to get to sleep. So instead, we build a pillow fort in the living room for no reason at all. A grab blankets and lights, and things to make it comfortable. It's big enough for us both to fit inside, allowing us to both have enough room. We stay up for another 2 hours, before we get too tired and fall asleep in the giant pillow fort (or tent).

I wake up 3 hours later. Definitely not enough sleep to help me function. I crawl out of the tent, where a sleeping Robert lays and I look outside. It's the most gorgeous sunrise I've ever seen. I juggle whether to wake Robert up or not to show him, but before I can decide, he wakes up himself. He rubs his eyes, but when he sees the sunrise, he smiles. We stand outside looking like messes, taking sunrise photos and weird, cute, selfies. Some of which I actually contemplate posting even though I look disgusting. Maybe I'll take better ones later.

Although, I do post the sunrise photos. I kiss Robert on the cheek before walking back inside. I collapse on the couch, staring at the mess we've made. There are plates on the table and pillows on the floor, but I just smile. It was a great day and an eventful night.

How would y'all feel about a oneshot book? With both characters and real life people. All characters and real life people, with your requests. Tell me your thoughts!

Also this book has almost reached 1K reads which is insane.

21st October 2019
WC: 1226

Robert Manion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now