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I wake up, still in Robert's arms. He's sleeping peacefully, making me not want to wake up and wake him too. I carefully reach for my phone to scroll through, just for a while longer, since we don't have any plans for today, other than to walk around Times Square or something.

I do this for a while, just scrolling through, looking at some stuff. Eventually, I feel Robert wake up, freeing his arm from around me.

"Good morning!" I say, sitting up.

"How long have you been awake?" Rob mumbles, covering his face.

"Uh, probably twenty minutes?" I estimate.

"Why didn't you get up?" He asks, laughing.

"I was kind of trapped," I giggle, motioning to him.

"Oh. Sorry," He responds.

"Not complaining," I murmur, blushing.

I get out of bed, getting dressed into a coral and black striped shirt with black overalls. I tie my hair up into a half up, half down style. I go out into the kitchen, popping some bread that we had picked up the other day, into the toaster. Then I smear it with Nutella, before taking a bite.

Meanwhile, I make myself a coffee, and then make Rob one as well.

Aliyah stumbles out of her room, looking tired as ever, yet she's already changed.

"Do you drink coffee?" I ask.

"No," She replies.

"Oh, ok then," I smile. She grabs some bread herself, putting in the toaster.

The three of us then sit at the table, eating a small breakfast.

"What are we doing today?" Aliyah asks.

"Probably just walking around. You have Beetlejuice tonight don't you?" I ask. She nods.

"7:30," She states, taking a bite out of her toast.

"Cool, we can just walk around and chill before then," Rob says, and we both agree.

Once we've finished our breakfast, we go get ready. I grab my bag, filled with a few things, and then we head out. We walk around, popping into different stores. I visit multiple vinyl and music shops, book stores and clothing stores, but I don't actually buy anything. Too expensive.

None of us actually buy anything, but it's fun to look around. That's until we reached the ice cream shop of course.

"We have to get some!" I declare, pulling them both inside. Though, it is fairly overpriced, it's totally worth it.

I gawk at all of the flavours. They're all so extravagant. I end up picking three different flavours, it all ends up costing something around $12. Smiling, the three of us walk around eating our ice cream like children. From then on, we don't end up looking at any more stores, because we finally recognise we aren't going to buy anything.

We spot a cute little cafe that we decide we want to go eat at. We take a seat in the corner of the cafe. I order bacon and eggs, as it's still quite early and because why not. Robert orders a burger and Aliyah orders a wrap. We scoff down our food. We talk about Starkid.

"Starkid sounds so fun," Aliyah says through a mouthful of food.

"It is! It's like this big family! I love everyone that's apart of it. There's this new musical coming soon called Black Friday. It opens on Halloween," I explain.

"Oooh! Now I want to go see it!" She exclaims.

"You have to watch the other shows though, they're amazing," Rob grins.

"Yeah, they've made heaps, you totally have to watch them. Everyone's so talented," I say.

"I definitely will," She nods, taking another bite. We talk about it some more, before we all finish our food.

"Ready to head out?" Rob asks standing up.

"I'm so full I don't think I can move," I say dramatically.

"Me too," Aliyah complains, holding her stomach.

Robert laughs at us, attempting to lift us off the chairs. We laugh as he tries to get us to move.

We eventually get up, and we walk back to our hotel room. By the time we get back, it's 1:30pm. That means Aliyah still has another 5 or 6 hours before she has to leave.

"Would you mind if Robert and I filmed a singing video?" I ask. "You can be in it if you want,"

"No, that's ok. You guys can film it, I'll watch," She nods.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course! I can't wait to hear you guys sing," She giggles. I smile.

"Hey Rob! Let's film a singing video," I suggest. He agrees.

"I wanna sing another Waitress song," I tell him, clearly obsessed.

"Bad idea?" He offers. I nod eagerly. It's probably my favourite song out of the soundtrack.

I don't even bother with an intro, or even an outro, we just film it and that's it. Though we make silly little remarks throughout the song.

I high five Rob and Aliyah gawks at us.

"That was amazing!" She says happily.

"Thank you!" I say smiling. "I'm gonna go upload it,"

"Sounds good," Rob says.

"I'm gonna start heading out," Aliyah says grabbing her things. It's 6:15. We've already eaten.

"Are you sure you're ok to go on your own?" I ask biting my lip. I'm just scared for her. A 15 year old on her own in New York! That's dangerous.

"Of course, I'll be fine! I have your number. I'll be back as soon as I can!" She assures me.

"Have fun! Stay safe!" Robert calls as she shuts the door.

A/N I actually have no idea what I'm doing. 

I need your help. Should Aliyah be a recurring character? I had no intentions when I added her in, so I don't know what her role should be in future chapters. 

Like should she come back after the holiday? Because I just kinda added her as a pointless side character to add to the story lmao. Idk, what do you guys think? What do you want to see?

5th November 2019
WC: 989

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