|| 46 - Final Chapter ||

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"Hey beautiful, I think I left my phone in the car, can you go check to see if it's there?" Rob calls from the kitchen.

"Sure," I call back jogging to the garage to get Rob's phone. I check the driver's seat- nothing there. I check the passenger's seat, the compartments, pockets. Nothing. Confused, I walk back into the house.

"I couldn't find it," I tell Rob when I walk back into the house.

"Oh, I'll go look for it, thanks Y/N," He says apologetically.

"All good," I reply, grabbing my own phone to text the Black Friday group chat. Everyone's coming soon, so we quickly set some food up. I comb out my hair and apply a small amount of makeup. I walk into the living room where Robert and Aliyah were waiting on their phones.

"Dude look at how cool this canary is," Aliyah holds up her phone to show me.

"That's is pretty awesome," I agree. "You know, everyone says you're the most active Starkid on Instagram apart from me and Kim," I chuckle.

"What can I say? I love seeing all of the posts, edits, art, it's really cool," She exclaims.

"I agree," I nod.

"I use Twitter more often," Rob looks over at us.

"You should use Instagram more often," I tell him.

"Eh, maybe not," He laughs softly.

"Speaking of which, let's take a photo because why not," I sit in between Robert and Aliyah.

"Why?" Robert complains.

"Oh stop it. I'm forcing you into this one. The fandom will thank me," I roll my eyes. I hold the camera up as I smile like a goof. Robert kisses me on the cheek, while Aliyah pulls a duck face and holds up a peace sign.

"Aw this is cute," I say looking at the photo.

"Ew look at my hair," Robert laughs, nervously. I ruffle his hair playfully.

"No! Don't make it worse!" He gets up and moves away, attempting to fix his hair.

"Dude it looks amazing as usual, stop worrying so much,"

"But I'm self conscious," he mutters.

"I know," I hold his face with one of my hands. "But you're adorable, and I need you to know that," I kiss him, leaving him blushing. "Plus I'm self conscious too,"

"But you're gorgeous!" He exclaims, flailing his arms.

"Exactly! I mean- that's my point. You think I'm gorgeous when I think I'm not, and I think you're gorgeous when you think you're not,"

"I suppose you're right," He sighs. Just then we get a knock on the door. Aliyah stands up to open it. It's Kim and Curt.

"Hey guys!" Kim exclaims, hugging Aliyah. The pair walk in, and place their bags on the floor next to the lounge.

"Hi!" I say back, smiling.

"First ones here?" Curt asks looking around.

"Yup," Robert replies, greeting them.

Soon, everyone arrives, and we're all sitting in the lounge room, talking about our favourite Black Friday experiences.

oNcE aGaiN nO sPoiLeRs hErE

"That was so funny," I say in stitches. We're all dying of laughter, some of us even on the floor. At that point, pizza is ordered and the cast splits up, into different, smaller groups. Robert disappears for some reason, confusing me.

"Do you know where Rob went?" I ask Lauren. She shakes her head, looking around.

"Hey Al, where's Rob?" I ask Aliyah.

"I don't know," Aliyah shakes her head, quirking an eyebrow.

"Hm, weird," I say, before standing with Kim, Jeff and Jon. I take a sip of my drink, before I spot Robert.

"Rob! Where'd you go?" I ask, laughing. "I couldn't find you,"

"Just to the bathroom," He blushes.

"Oh, ok," I nod.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Thanks so much for coming," I hug James before he leaves. He's the last one to go.

"Hey, Y/N," Robert calls.

"Yo," I reply.

"Can we go shopping?" He asks.

"Now?" I ask.

"We just need stuff, I was hoping to get it out of the way," He shrugs.

"Ok..." I say "You're being real suspicious," I look at him.

"I am?" He says frantically, subtly fixing himself. I just laugh at him.

We get in the car with Aliyah, since she asks to come, and we drive to the mall.

Except we don't drive to the mall. We drive to a park. A very familiar park.

"What's this?" I ask, following Robert as he swiftly walks on the grass. This was the same park where Robert and I first shared a kiss. First got together. All thanks to Lauren, and Jaime quitting on her.

"Hey Y/N," Rob asks.

"What's up," I wrinkle my forehead.

"Really random question," He says quickly. "What's your ideal proposal?"

My heart skips a beat. "Uh, I don't know, probably one surrounded with friends or family, but anything would be special, especially if it came from you," I blurt, answering his question.

"Great," He grins, before we approach a group. The Starkid Team.

"Robert..." I trail off, tears in my eyes. "Don't you-" I begin, before I stop myself.

Robert gets down on one knee, looking up at me.

"Oh my god," I exhale, covering my mouth with my hands. Tears are now streaming down my face.

"Y/N. I love you. Ever since the first day that we got together on this very park, in this very spot. We looked out onto the sunset, before we shared our first kiss. After that, I knew I loved you. Every day after that, even through every up and down, I never stopped loving you. You're insanely special to me, and I don't know what I'd do without you. When things were tough for me, you were always there to bring me back up. You always know what to say to make me feel better. I know you don't really like cheesy shit, so I guess I'll stop here even though I have a lot more to say. But Y/N, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you marry me?" He pulls out a ring box, opening it up.

I can't say anything, so instead I nod furiously. He smiles, bigger than I've ever seen him smile, before I wrap him up in a hug. The crowd of Starkids surrounding us erupts in applause and cheer. Robert swings me around, as I bury my head in his shoulder.

"I love you," I manage to say, through all of my tears.

I usher Aliyah to join the hug, and the three of us stand there in each others arms, as people snap photos from all around us. And at that point, I don't care about anything else. How ugly I look, or any unhappiness I had felt prior to that moment. Everything freezes in time, and it's just us.

Just us.

A/N Aaaaaaaand this book is finished. If you've reached it this far, I applaud you heavily. I hope you enjoyed the story! Honestly, kind of glad I've reached the end. Now I can focus on my other two stories, that you should check out :)

I'm sorry for how bad my writing is hahaha

Nah but like this was actually pretty fun to write, and I honestly might write a different one in the future!

12th November 2019
WC: 1224

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