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A/N This chapter talks about periods ✌🏼

I wake up to a sharp pain in my side. I groan and roll over clutching my stomach. Well great, today's gonna be a great day. Accepting defeat, knowing I won't be able to get back to sleep with this pain, I hobble into the kitchen, and hunched over I grab a heat pack and make myself some coffee. I walk to the bathroom and sigh. I just love being a girl.

I sit on my bed in pain, with my blankets wrapped around me. Sipping my coffee, I click on the next episode of the show I'm watching. I hear Robert walking around the house, but I stay put. I don't think I have the strength to get up right now.

I hear soft knock at the door. I get up to open it, holding my stomach as I do so.

"Hey, so Jon-" He starts, but pauses when he sees me. "Are you ok?" He asks holding me.

"Yeah," I say basically out of breath "I'm fine,"

"Oh, well, um, Jon and Mariah are coming over, if you're cool with that," He says quietly.

"Yeah, that's fine," I say wincing.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"It just feels like my stomach's on fire and someone's decided to stab me multiple times from the inside, but yeah I'm fine," I respond closing my eyes. Not knowing what to do in this situation, Robert looks at me with sympathy. I've always had cramps, but they've never been this bad.

"Do you want me to get you something?" He asks rubbing my back.

"I think I need Ibuprofen or something," I exhale.

"Sure, of course," he says rushing out. I smile. He's so cute.

He walks back in with the tablet and a glass of water.

"Thanks Rob," I say taking the medication.

"Of course,"

"When are they coming?"

"They should be here in an hour," He responds. "Still sure they're cool to come over?"

"Yeah, that's totally fine," I reply smiling weakly.

"I hate seeing you in pain," He whispers. I look down.

"I hate being in pain," I reply. He wraps his arms around me, and I hug him back. I rest my head on his shoulder, and we just sit there.

"Rest before the show tonight, if you're still going," He tells me standing up.

"Yeah, I'm definitely going. I'll push through it," I say.

"Ok. I love you,"

"I love you too,"

He shuts the door and I pull the covers over my head. I sob silently. Mostly because of the pain. Also because of how grateful I am to have a boyfriend like Robert. I also just cry because I haven't cried in a while. And I just need to let out my emotions because I'm human. I end up falling asleep, waking up to the chatter of voices. I recognise them all; it's Robert, Jon and Mariah. They're joking and laughing. I fight the urge to go and join them. They sound like they're having so much fun.

Instead, I grab some chocolate that I keep on my bedside table, and snack on that, opening my laptop again to continue watching my show.

The time hits 2:30pm and I sigh, closing my laptop. I slowly get up, being cautious, because the medication's finally kicked in, and I refuse to feel anymore pain. At least for now. I walk to my wardrobe, picking out a tank top and sweatpants. I decide not to tie my hair up, so I just brush it out a bit. I have to do it when I get to the theatre anyway, so what's the point.

I walk out and Jon and Mariah are still here. Mariah walks up to me and hugs me in empathy. I hug her back, my arms wrapped around her neck.

"Ready to go?" Robert asks holding my hand. I nod and we walk to the car. I sit in the car with my head resting on the window.

"Don't tell anyone, I'd rather they not know," I murmur and they all agree.

We get to the theatre and go backstage to the dressing room. I get into my costume first, and then do my makeup even more half assed today. The rest of the cast gets here. Lauren and Joey walk in with food. Lauren must've carpooled with Joey today. We open the bags and take out the food, beginning to eat.

"How are you feeling?" Mariah whispers to me.

"Better. Hopefully I can hold up for tonight," I whisper back, putting a fry in my mouth.

We get called backstage to begin the show. Just as the music begins to play, I feel pain in my side again. Shit, I forgot to take another pill. Wincing, I enter the stage, trying to push through. I occasionally get lightheaded, and when I finally have long enough of a break to take a pill I stumble off stage panting.

"Does anyone, have any ibuprofen or something?" I ask frantically.

"Yeah, here," One of the stage managers says handing me a bottle of water as well as the medicine.

"Thank you," I say shoving it in my mouth. I quickly change in my costume and reapply some makeup before walking back onto stage.

I collapse on the couch in the dressing room at the end of the show. All I want to do is sleep. I take off my microphone and lazily get out of costume and into my sweats. I wipe off my makeup, but not well enough that it's all completely off. Sleepily, I walk with Robert, Jon and Mariah to the car. Surprisingly, I don't fall asleep on the way home, but I totally could've if I tried. Robert kisses me on the forehead as we part ways into our own rooms, as I collapse on the bed pulling she sheets over me again, falling asleep almost instantly.

A/N So today I got the Shitty Broadway (Spoopy Broadway Show) digital ticket and it's AMAZING. If you haven't and you can, do it! It's totally worth it. Go help out the creators! 

18th October 2019
WC: 996

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