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I hear a knock at the door and my head sticks up in hope that it's Robert.

"Sorry Y/N, It's not Robert, I ordered pizza,"

"How did you know I actually want to see Robert," I say crossing my arms and lying back down.

"I know you miss him," Lauren says smiling.

"Ok, you're right," I reply. "Do you think he'll come for me?

"Maybe. But don't think about it too much," She tells me, and I nod.

There are knocks at the door again, but this time I continue to lie down. Lauren goes to open the door, when I hear a familiar Australian accent ask for me.

"Is Y/N here?" He asks softly. Lauren motions towards me and I sit up. I probably look like a mess, but I don't care at this point.

"I'll leave you guys alone," Lauren says, pulling Jon into another room. Robert sits in front of me.

"Y/N. I really want to apologise for today. It's been rough. I want to clear things up. Mariah kissed me. I did not kiss her. I did not want to kiss her, but she forced herself onto me, basically. I don't know if you believe me or not, but I was just scared to tell you the truth. I also didn't mean what I said about not wanting to spend time with you. I'm sorry you got the wrong idea, it's all my fault. But I love you, Y/N" He says, almost in tears. 3 words, I've never heard from him, that I definitely needed to hear.

"I'm so sorry Robert. I never should've doubted you. I should've let you explain. I share some fault in this, it isn't all your fault. I love you too. And have for a while. I shouldn't have lashed out at you. I regret a lot of things. I literally missed you, for the hour that I didn't see you. Ask Lauren," I say laughing as I cry. We both stand up, and we hug. Embrace each other's company. We cry into each other's shoulders.

"You're such a softie," I whisper into his ear.

"I know," He replies. We pull away from the hug, but lean in to kiss each other, my arms wrapped around his neck, his arms around my waist.

"Alright, alright love birds. Calm it down," Lauren says walking in. We pull away and I just look at him.

"How do you still look cute after crying?" I ask him.

"I could ask the same question to you," he replies.

"Alright, or don't" Lauren says laughing, and grabbing a piece of pizza for both herself and Jon.

I thank Lauren by giving her a hug, and then Robert and I walk out, hand in hand to my car. Once we get in the car I sigh.

"I'm still sorry," I say quietly.

"And I forgive you," He replies looking at me. "Why don't we pretend it never happened,"

"Ok," I say. He leans over and pecks me on the cheek. I start the car and we drive home.

"My throat hurts from yelling at you," I say laughing.

"I can make you another tea when we get home,"

"No that's alright, I think I just need to rest," I reply.

5th October 2019
WC: 528

Robert Manion x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now