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We walk into the big room filled with both previous and current starkid members. Some of which I recognise, others I don't. Lauren, Rob, Mariah and I stroll in together. Lauren's holding her massive water bottle, and we chuckle as she walks around greeting people. I get introduced to some people I've never met before which is really cool, especially since I've watched them in Starkid shows before. I scan the room before spotting Rachael.

I excuse myself from the group before running up to hug her, wrapping her in a hug.

"I missed you!" I squeal.

"Me too! How have you been?" She asks, pulling away, but grabbing onto my arm.

"I've been great! How about you?"

"Yeah, I've been good,"

We catch up on things. Rachael and I got really close during Twisted, because I'd always go to her if I needed to talk about something. I guess it's a long story. I was so excited when I got to work with her again in Firebringer. We talk for a few more minutes, before Rachael spots someone else, excusing herself to go talk to them. I say goodbye to her and meet up with the rest of the group.

It's extremely easy to get lost in this sea of people. Lauren's talking to Corey and Joey, so I stand with Rob and Mariah. I spot Denise and we begin to talk, also catching up on things we missed while we didn't see each other. We talk until we're called into the room for rehearsals. We file into the room filled with rows of chairs with pianos at the front. I sit towards the front with Lauren, Jaime, Tiffany, Mariah and Denise. Robert's on the other side with Joey.

We begin with a vocal warmup, before we split off into the different musicals. The warmup only takes 10 minutes. The room is filled with phones scanning the room, everyone trying to get footage for Instagram. I walk towards the back with Mariah and Robert, since we're all not apart of AVPM. Mariah brings her phone up in front of us. We make weird, confused faces. We laugh at our weirdness as Mariah types on her phone.

She types Oh yes we are all apart of A Very Potter Musical because we definitely not all teenagers before posting it. I snicker at the line.

It was true. Robert was 16, I was 14 and Mariah was 13. We're all the babies of the crew. We watch in awe, as the rest of them sing songs from the musical, we occasionally sing along softly, since we know the lyrics.

"Hey, Y/N?" Corey whispers coming up next to me.

"What's up?" I reply.

"You were stage manager right?"

"Yeah, what do you need?" I grin.

"We just need a bit of help with a few things if that's cool. TGWDLM practice isn't for a while,"

"Yeah that's totally cool," I reply getting out of my seat. I tell Robert and Mariah where I'm going as I follow Corey into a room where a few stage managers (some of which I recognise) are sitting on the floor either on their laptops, writing things down or talking. They explain what they need help with and I do it.

They ask me if it's too much if I help them out on the night. I tell them that it's no problem, as long as it doesn't interfere with the TGWDLM songs. They understand. I get up once I'm finished. They thank me for helping, and I go find where everyone is.

I open a door and there are few people standing around a piano. It's Rob, Jeff, Jim, Nick and Joe, all sing No One Remembers Achmed. I realise that I'm not in this musical, but Lauren and Denise are in the corner dancing and it wouldn't hurt to join in. I pull out my phone, filming us dancing like weirdos, laughing hysterically.

I go find Mariah and Jon, who are warming up for TGWDLM. We laugh about the fact that we aren't in any other musical, so we have to be lone wolves on our own. We help sign some things for the kickstarter backers, signing our signature on different items to kill the time.

Eventually we rehearse some songs from TGWDLM but only a few, meaning it doesn't take long.

It's a great opportunity to meet new people and catch up with people we haven't seen in a while.

We stand outside. I talk to Meredith and Brian, since I used to talk to them both a lot during Firebringer. They ask me about Robert and I just laugh it off awkwardly.

"Yeah, we're good," I say blushing.

"Come on man, we need details!" Meredith tells me.

"Ew, what details?" I laugh.

"Not like that, Y/N," she shakes her head. "Ah forget about it, you guys are cute anyway, I see it on your Instagram," She laughs. "I read your book by the way,"

"Oh yeah, what'd you think?" I ask.

"It was really good! I didn't know you wrote!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, I got it from my brother," I explain.

"That's so cool," Meredith replies. "Alright, we're gonna head off now! Take care!" She says.

"Bye Y/N," Brian says giving me a small hug.

"See you guys!" I call, turning towards Robert and Lauren. Mariah's still talking to Jon and Jeff, so we wait for her, before we head off.

I collapse on my bed, going through all of the photos and videos I took. One with Rachael, a video of the crew in the warm up room, another with Rob and Mariah, the stage management crew, Denise, Lauren and I dancing, and then another one of the TGWDLM crew.

"Today was insane," I laugh.

"Yeah, I can't wait for day two," Rob replies laughing and sighing.

A/N Woah we've got a double upload today my dudes

27th October 2019
WC: 989

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