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I collapse on the couch once we get home.

"What do you think they're doing?" I sigh.

"Why does it matter?"

"I'm just wondering," I reply, defensive.

"They're just friends. You gotta remember that," Alex reminds me.

"Yeah. Friends," I repeat.

"Why you gotta doubt him so much? You guys love each other. If there's one thing I've learnt from being in a relationship with Taylor, it's to talk things out. If you really wanna know what he's doing, call him,"

"How am I supposed to talk to him? He hates me,"

"How do you know he hates you if you haven't talked to him?"

"Because he hasn't spoken to me all day,"

"You haven't spoken to him"

"He won't want to talk to me," I grunt.

"You haven't tried," Alex snaps. I blink twice. "You're being stubborn, Y/N," He tells me.

"You're right. But I can't help it. I hate the fact that they're probably having the time of their lives right now. I hate knowing he's with someone else right now. But that's just me being paranoid and annoying. How do I stop it?"

"You can't. You just have to accept that. He is with someone else. So what? If he really loves you, there is nothing going on,"

"That's what I'm scared of. What if he doesn't really love me?" I bite my lip.

"He does. It shows. He cares about you. You have to stop doubting him. It will affect your relationship. Accept the fact that he's with someone else and move on. He'll be back in one week and things will be back to normal. But first, you have to clear things up,"

"You're totally right. Thank you bro," I say smiling weakly.

I ring Robert. It rings multiple times, but he doesn't pick up.

"He didn't pick up," I say disheartened.

"Would you have picked up if I didn't give you that advice?"

He was right again. "No,"

"Exactly. Maybe give him some time. Or send him a message. He'll come around,"

I nod and sigh. I walk to my room and I chuck my phone onto my bed. Why do I have to be so stupid all the time? I always mess shit up. Why can't a just let him speak sometimes?

My phone rings. I immediately fumble around to pick up. It's just Jaime.

"Hey Jaime, what's up," I sigh.

"Is everything ok?" She asks.

"Yeah, I guess so, why?"

"Word gets around,"

"Who told?"

"It went from Rob, to Mariah, to Jon, to Lauren, to me,"

"Jesus Christ," I exhale. "It's all my fault,"

"No it's not!"

"Yes, Jaim, it is! I didn't let him speak! Explain himself! Hear him out! Trust him! For goodness sake, he doesn't need to explain himself! I should just trust that everything will turn out ok! Gosh, I really hate myself sometimes," I curse myself.

"Don't say that, Y/N. I understand that you feel like shit, but Robert's feeling the same as you,"

"Really? He doesn't have a reason to," I shake my head. "I have to fix this," I sigh.

"I wish you luck. I love ya Y/N, I gotta go!"

The line goes dead. I clutch my phone tightly.

I lay down on my bed, and pull my pillow over my head. I close my eyes and just think. How do I turn this around? What happens now? What if he doesn't want to make up? What if he doesn't forgive me? What if he moves in with her instead? What if he forgets about me? What if, what if what if! I let out a groan. Fuck! I'm doubting him again!

I cry in pain. Not a physical pain, but an emotional, frustrated pain. Mad at him, but mainly mad at myself for being a dick.

I cry and cry; I cry myself to sleep.

The next morning, I'm awaken by a bright flash on my phone. I roll over to check the phone.

Robert: Meet me at Starbucks. 9am.

And that's it. I exhale sharply. The time's 7:50. I get out of bed, putting my head in my hands. I really have to fix this. Fix myself. Before I really go up in flames one day. That day could be today if I do something wrong.

I get jittery as I get ready.

"I'm meeting Rob at Starbucks," I tell Alex.

"Hey! That's progress!" He smiles. I smile weakly, back.

I pace around my room thinking about what I'm going to say to him when I see him. I flap my arms, full of nerves and stress. My eyes fill with tears, but I blink them away.

The time hits 8:45, so I grab my phone and the keys, say goodbye to Alex and get in the car. Usually I would sing to myself in the car, but I don't this time. I don't have the motivation.

I get to Starbucks and Robert's already in there. He's with Mariah. Shit. I take a few deep breaths. Why the fuck is he with Mariah?

Shit! Stop! Doubting! Him!

I open the door, walking towards the pair.

26th October 2019
WC: 858

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