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"This was so fun. I don't wanna leave," I say sulking on the couch while everyone is rolling their suitcases out to the hallway.

"Come on, weirdo, let's go," Lauren says laughing at me. I sigh, grabbing all of my bags and follow Lauren out of the door.

We sit in the plane waiting for it to take off. This time I'm sitting in the middle of Jon and Robert, which will be interesting. Because Jon is an interesting person (in a good way). We take off and we talk about the vacation, how we're sad we're leaving, and how excited we are for opening night that's happening in exactly a week. I'm beyond excited, but I'm also extremely nervous. I feel like I'm already guaranteed to forget a line on stage, because I'll freak out under pressure. Or maybe I'll mess up a song. Or even completely screw up a dance. Or maybe-

"Hey, are you ok?" Robert asks me taking my hand, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I was just thinking,"

"About what?"

"Don't worry about it," I say shaking it off.

"You can tell me," He assures me.

"I'm just stressed about opening night. I'm not used to being onstage, I'm more of an offstage person. I'm just worried I'll screw something up, that's all," I say shrugging.

"Don't worry about it too much. It's normal to freak out, that's called being human, but you'll do great I promise. I'm freaking out too, I promise," he says smiling at me.


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"Thank you all so much for that well needed break. I love you guys so much," I say as we get of the plane. I stupidly decide to hug every single one of them, while standing in everybody's way, but it works. We say goodbye and that we'll see each other the next day for rehearsals

"How was the trip?" Nick asks me when Rob and I walk into rehearsals the next day.

"So fun. I loved it," I reply smiling.

"That's nice," He says and then continues working. I put my bag down, and so does Robert. He adjusts his hat and we stand around, going over dances while we wait for everyone to get here.

Nick gives us the whole "you've worked so hard" speech that we're all relieved to hear, as it makes us work 10 times harder that rehearsal. Every dance move, every note, every line, worked to 110%. I'm so happy I got this opportunity, it's so much better than working offstage, even though, don't get me wrong, offstage is also a privilege.

"I've never really asked you about your experience backstage," I tell Robert as we walk out of rehearsals.

"Me neither, even though technically we did a few of the same things in Firebringer, but still somehow never crossed paths," he chuckled softly.

"Yeah, that's so weird. I guess we must've just been on opposite ends," I shrug.

"Well, I loved being backstage, it was an entire new experience than being onstage. I liked being able to watch it, but it was pretty difficult watching it when you were always running around,"

"I agree. I loved it, it was awesome. Everyone was so nice which made it so much better," I say smiling. "I totally would've done it again if I didn't get this role,"

A/N Ew ew ew ew this is just a weird, boring, filler chapter eek

15th October 2019
WC: 573

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